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Tradegy averted found the lost iPhone

Back at the condo warming up.
I don't know how you guys do with all that snow. I've never snowboarded or ski. I'd like to ride a wheelie on a snowmobile for about 10 minutes for once in my life and then I'm good on the cold :D
I don't know how you guys do with all that snow. I've never snowboarded or ski. I'd like to ride a wheelie on a snowmobile for about 10 minutes for once in my life and then I'm good on the cold :D
If you ski hard enough you stay warm!!!

I think we finally settled on a ski resort to buy at though. Crested butte is the winner. I still want monarch. Crested is better than being on I 70. I hate the crowds.
60 degrees Saturday and Sunday. 2 inches of snow this morning.

You can just see my Jetboaters.net sticker peaking out behind the snow reminding me that better days are ahead.

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So this just came in the mail today! Shoots a golf ball 400 yards! The newest addition to thesandtrapfoundation.

How about a game of “show us what you see-name that movie”?
Yup. Dang, that was 20 years ago! I think I’ll rewatch it this weekend.
This is what happens when you have too much man power and not much thinking going on.... A side walk with a concrete center divide! They love center divides on the roads here because people used to just drive on the wrong side all the time.... So some dummy did it on the tiny stretch of sidewalk LOL (This is at the Bangalore Airport)

I don't doubt that its faster.. . The yammies are a little alow er than they need to be I think but didn't boat test say the 230's did like 53? Chase yeah.. That's not right! Lol
Built a "nautical shelf system" for the babys room this morning. It's not my best work, but the new addition will be here in less than a week, so it had to be good enough
Built a "nautical shelf system" for the babys room this morning. It's not my best work, but the new addition will be here in less than a week, so it had to be good enough

I think it is awesome @2kwik4u . Funny, I just finished an “industrial shelf system” to display the masterpieces of our “new additions” who are already 5, 7 and 9.
Happy Birthday to me. A6/TDI/Prestige/S-line. 39mpg's on the drive home. Not too shabby.

Happy Birthday to me. A6/TDI/Prestige/S-line. 39mpg's on the drive home. Not too shabby.

View attachment 70626

EDIT: I feel like such an idiot right now, lol, I'm replacing my Q7 TDI with a Toyota!
Oh, well. Hopefully won't be subject to a recall, lol.
I hate changing cars. @veedubtek I know you don't have that issue!

The weather yesterday.


As you all know, I'm from WI so this SHOULDN'T have been a concern. Except The Eldest and I were in Lexington KY for the University of Kentucky Merit Weekend - and drove back to WI in that mess.

The blue denotes two things: The heavy, wet snow AND the approximate route we had to take. Oh, and the weather was pretty much stalled right there.

As we pulled out of the parking structure and headed North, Waze said that I had 502 miles to go. 5 hours later, we still had 278 miles to go.

Here's a pic from one of our stops. Did I mention we didn't bring winter boots? Or that I HATE wet feet?


The REALLY cute part is the fact that I've got a loose wire under the dash causing my HVAC blower to cut out. So Katie had to act as my Flight Engineer and occasionally reach down and wiggle the wires to keep the fan running and the windows clear.

At one point I had it in 4x4 and traffic was down to single-file with about an inch or more of heavy wet slop on the expressway. We were doing about 30 MPH. (Naturally there were a few idiots that thought they "knew how to drive in snow." We'd find them a few miles up the road facing the wrong way with much less plastic on the front of their vehicle than they started with.)

For most of the first 5 hours we rarely got above 40 MPH. (There was on short stretch where things cleared a bit and we managed 65 or so but it was just enough to make the next phase even more depressing.)

Total trip time was 10 hours. (Should be more like 8 for us.)

It was worth it though.

When we left home on Thursday, she hadn't yet decided between University of Kentucky or Michigan State.

Also, she had JUST switched her field of interest from Criminal Psychology to Engineering - so that had her in all the "wrong" groups and with the wrong pre-planned course schedule.

At 6:30 Friday Evening we met with an Adviser and got things all straightened out. When the adviser asked her what field of Engineering she wanted to go in to, she said "Electrical." I'd tell you I didn't get a little tear of pride in my eye, but I'd be lying. (I'm a BSEE myself.)

As we walked out of that meeting I asked "You've decided to go to school here haven't you?"

"Yeah. I've decided."

So that was it. I'm going to have a University of Kentucky Kid.

One of the parts I like best is that the dorms are all pre-furnished with Tempurpedic mattresses, desks, mini fridge, microwave, basically all the essentials. We pretty much have to deliver the Kid, her clothes, and some laundry soap. That's handy when she's so far away - I won't have to haul a bunch of furniture. (Or buy a microwave, mini-fridge or desk.)

Move in happens mid-August. Then we start another phase of our lives.
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After 14? months of surgery, I finally have the chassis for my VW Thing ready for reassembly and brought her to the lakehouse today. Company next weekend, but reassembly to commence the weekend after that!


The weather yesterday.

So that was it. I'm going to have a University of Kentucky Kid.

Congratulations! UK is a great school.

I think from Lexington to WI you can either go over to Louisville and up, or up through Cincinnati. If you ever have a chance for a little time in Cincinnati area let me know, we would be happy to take you for a cruise through Cincinnati on the Ohio River.