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I saw this as I was leaving the movie theatre last night and think it is post worthy as well as thought provoking. Am I this type of parent? Are you?
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As the parent of a 15 year old boy I’m more likely to facilitate access not block it and am looking forward to the day he starts inviting girls to boat and jet ski v. The boys club I saw a lot of last season.

As a father of 2 daughters I totally am!

To quote a member here or on YJB (aka “the other site”), “When you have a boy you only have to worry about one boy, when you have a girl you have to worry about all the boys.”

I've always told my friends with boys they they only need to worry about 1 penis, I have to worry about them all.
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When you're nice and help fix your Korean neighbors who don't speak English lawn mower they make you a tray full of beyogi
To quote a member here or on YJB (aka “the other site”), “When you have a boy you only have to worry about one boy, when you have a girl you have to worry about all the boys.”

This seems like a movie for a younger generation but I may force my son to see it with me.
Ronnie... I’m pretty sure you PG’d that quote! I remember it as, I only have one ☝️ to worry about while you have to worry about them all.
Phenomenal stuff!!!!! (bulgogi)

Wash it down with soju.


After a year over there, all I miss is the yakimandu and ramen, heh. bulgogi was good, but steer clear of the kegogi!
Saw these and a few other pwcs while I was picking up oil and filters for the boat. It still blows me away when I see what a new pwc costs today. In 1987 or 1988 I bought my first pwc and only new one. It was a Kawasaki x2 with a 650 cc motor for about $4,200 before tax and without a trailer. The prices pictured are pretax and without a trailer. Also new two stroke pwcs like the 7XX cc superjet pictured (white stand up) cannot be sold new in CA so they are purchased out of state and sold as used in CA for a hell of a premium. For additional context the black standup next to it is Kawasaki’s current model has a 1,500 cc four stroke motor and sells for $12k.
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Sounds like a place I would never buy anything - "Added Dealer Mark-Up" - and 15% at that... what a joke lol. Oh AND they charge a transportation fee... which it clearly states they already include that in the MSRP, so they essentially charge transportation twice. How is this place even selling anything?
This is standard pricing practice around here. I went to the local Yamaha dealer last year for the same supplies and saw the new at the time Yamaha gp 1800 selling for about the same cost as the Seadoo pictured. Both stores have been in business for at least a decade. I have no doubt that the pictured superjet will be sold by Memorial Day. This shop also had the lowest model Seadoo spark made. It was about $6,800 per tax / pre trailer, so much for the $5k entry level pwc. That is just the Msrp.
Ah... SF... I guess that makes sense. Weren't you the one saying the cheapest normal size home is like 800k?

I think I walked out the door with my Spark and a 2 year warranty for 5200 lol (and a free trailer).
I’d bet the shore lander trailers are no better or worse than the older mfi trailers. Both are specd for Yamaha and the low bidder, in this case shorelander , probably got the contract so they have to keep the material costs and quality down to meet their price point. I found after putting a lot of tlc into my trailer it’s now perfect for me. If I had to buy a replacement there is nothing off the shelf with the same functionality, so I would expect to pay $4k or more a new one.
My aluminum I beam trailer was 3 k... And I sold my mfi trailer that badly needed some attention in almost every area for 1200... I could have gotten much more.. I had people lined up.
This is a form that will setup how much annual luxury tax I will pay for a 2004 waverunner I purchased at the end of last year. Pretty sad that the state of CA has to tax me about $30 a year for this. I thought the tax was limited to high dollar (e.g. $20k +) boats and have been paying 1% on the market value of my boat for years. Unfortunately I was wrong.

Today I saw something I haven't seen in years.


That is the balance I owe on my truck as of today!!! It's like getting a $400-something a month raise!! Celebrating tonight with some cold ones for sure :)

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