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Who else ditched the office today?

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At Galey’s Marine in Bakersfield, CA. I am very impressed by the scarab boats I saw but the price difference in similarly sized Yamaha boats is more than enough to keep me from even considering a scarab, assuming they don’t move on their pricing just as Yamaha doesn’t.
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Baseball season, back in swing. . . .20180413_192603.jpg
This was a beast, my starter from 1994 F350 diesel, The notorious top bolt was tuff even though I read a few articles about it,

the truck sits high enough I can crawl underneath without much difficulty

it actually came out pretty easy but took some patience and of course coatings of oil/dirt, luckily I wore my safety glasses but still got droppings in my face,

tomorrow the new one goes in and I have to try to fix a leaking fuel return line

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This was a beast, my starter from 1994 F350 diesel, The notorious top bolt was tuff even though I read a few articles about it,

the truck sits high enough I can crawl underneath without much difficulty

it actually came out pretty easy but took some patience and of course coatings of oil/dirt, luckily I wore my safety glasses but still got droppings in my face,

tomorrow the new one goes in and I have to try to fix a leaking fuel return line

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Ahhhhhh. The good old reliable 7.3! Its a 1995 so I believe they started putting a turbo in then didn't they. The early 90s didn't have one. Simple motor.. Will run for ever! Then ford left that engine and went into the 6.0 debacle!
This was a beast, my starter from 1994 F350 diesel, The notorious top bolt was tuff even though I read a few articles about it,

the truck sits high enough I can crawl underneath without much difficulty

it actually came out pretty easy but took some patience and of course coatings of oil/dirt, luckily I wore my safety glasses but still got droppings in my face,

tomorrow the new one goes in and I have to try to fix a leaking fuel return line

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What a coincidence, I am replacing starter on my 2006 Duramax today. It died yesterday.

Ahhhhhh. The good old reliable 7.3! Its a 1995 so I believe they started putting a turbo in then didn't they. The early 90s didn't have one. Simple motor.. Will run for ever! Then ford left that engine and went into the 6.0 debacle!
We have a 1989 F superduty aka. F450 with a 7.3l. Nornally asp. very easy to work on old school diesel, wide open engine bay unlike the Duramax which is crammed in there. The Duramax has more pulling power for pulling a 12,000# hay wagon up Hardscrabble hill,due to the boost. And the Ford is a much heavier truck.
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A fine spring morning in Port Washington.

From up above in the park:

From down at break-wall level:
My Mavic Air arrived Thursday, and I couldn't be happier with this little thing. I absolutely love the size! It flies super easy and it has some awesome flight modes. I can't wait to get this thing out on the boat this summer. With the Phantom that I had, the box was just so big that it wasn't feasible to take it out on the boat every time. This thing I'll be able to throw in the boat and won't even know it's there until I'm ready to use it.

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In Plymouth for the weekend. Decided to stroll around and we found the original graveyard from the first colony. This guy was the last survivor of the Mayflower.

Getting a lovely 12+ inches of snow today. This time last year, I had my boat in the water. This year, there is still a healthy layer of ice on the lake. Feels like January here in MN right now.

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In Plymouth for the weekend. Decided to stroll around and we found the original graveyard from the first colony. This guy was the last survivor of the Mayflower.

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Really cool, I love reading old stones...my sister was born in Plymouth. Me, further up the coast in Weymouth. My ancestors have a family cemetary in Centerville/Hyannis area on a hill above "Phinney's " lane, My last name. About 60-70 of us planted there going back to mid 1700's. You will see it on the map on the back of a Cape Cod potato chip bag. You will also see Willow st. on the map, my wifes name. Coincidence? Freaky!
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Success! finished today, the truck is already running before I even get the key turned all the way, definitely worth the trouble, won't be dead in @Bruce yard anymore!

Ahhhhhh. The good old reliable 7.3! Its a 1995 so I believe they started putting a turbo in then didn't they. The early 90s didn't have one. Simple motor.. Will run for ever! Then ford left that engine and went into the 6.0 debacle!

mine is a 1994 idi turbo, it was a mix year for engines, the first half they used the older IDI with a turbo and the second half they used powerstroke, 1995 and after was all powerstroke,

@zipper next up is replacing the caps on the return lines as I end up with a puddle of diesel when I park it and a nice whiff in the cab when I'm at a stop light,