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My helper in improving tower mounts with cutting board backing 1/2" thick!
The marine ply the tower manufacturer sent me was compressed badly and causing extra tower movement. My daughter insisted on helping which meant i just went in to tighten things up once and done!20180414_173006.jpg
My helper in improving tower mounts with cutting board backing 1/2" thick!
The marine ply the tower manufacturer sent me was compressed badly and causing extra tower movement. My daughter insisted on helping which meant i just went in to tighten things up once and done!View attachment 72084

Get those projects done while they are little. It's amazing how fast they outgrow the "easy to fit" size...
@BigN8 I have always love Plymouth. It has so much history and I am always amazed how many folks go to see Plymouth Rock. Only in America can we make a rock a symbol of freedom. Also if you like great fried seafood go to the lobster hut on the pier. IMO it has the best fried scallops, fried clams with the bellies and onion rings. Not cheap however worth the price. One of the reason it is so good is because they change their cooking oil before it gets dark.
And the hits just keep on coming....

The worst part is that I was in Atlanta for the MODEX trade show this week. (Got to see Mike Rowe speak live - which was awesome.) So I got a little taste of spring.

The people down there were "apologizing" for the "crummy" weather.

Yeah. 65 degrees and broken overcast. "Crummy."
@BigN8 I have always love Plymouth. It has so much history and I am always amazed how many folks go to see Plymouth Rock. Only in America can we make a rock a symbol of freedom. Also if you like great fried seafood go to the lobster hut on the pier. IMO it has the best fried scallops, fried clams with the bellies and onion rings. Not cheap however worth the price. One of the reason it is so good is because they change their cooking oil before it gets dark.
Dude! So funny, after we walked around a bit we had a small fried scallops and a large order of onion rings!! So tasty. But you’re right about the price. That little order was $30. Plus I had a beer.
What breed of dog is that? So cute!
What breed of dog is that? So cute!

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the breed. We have two of them. Think Labrador retriever temperament but in a toy package. Highly recommend the breed, just be careful to make sure heart and hips are clear. They do need to have their teeth cleaned bi annually as adults to keep their hearts healthy.
Got out on the water here yesterday.... Was nice to blow out the cobwebs.... Cruised down Falls Lake from Rollingview to about Barton Creek.


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So i’m driving thru 27574 the other day and saw this:
So i sent it to my brother that builds houses saying “bet ya never seen this” He replied from 03229 with this:
Dafaq!?!? His made a little more sense but!!!??!?!?
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This was delivered today, I didn’t realize that the same company produces keel guards.
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