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Got my new board delivered today at the office. Had to put it together and dream of warmer weather and warmer water @ Falls Lake. Taking surfing to the next level this season. Epic.

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Nice! I'm looking into getting one for the season also. There's been a few changes to the 2018 model... but it ain't cheap. If you get to try yours first, let us know how it works out. I was thinking I might need to add the H2 wing to surf with...?

I'm attempting to help a retailer friend create a jetboaters group buy... hopefully temping enough to get a whole herd of us foiling!

Got my new board delivered today at the office.
So, let me guess (and yes, I may be projecting!) - the wife doesn't know about the board, yet, and you are now trying to figure out how to bring it up.

The most water my boat has seen in months.
That cover needs a good cleaning!
Got my new board delivered today at the office. Had to put it together and dream of warmer weather and warmer water @ Falls Lake. Taking surfing to the next level this season. Epic.

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Gonna have to start watching out for Jet Blue on the lake and see how this works out!!!!
I’m doing a customer visit to our plant in Arkadelphia, AR and found this gem at a local liquor store. We can’t get in TX so got some to transport home!
I’m doing a customer visit to our plant in Arkadelphia, AR and found this gem at a local liquor store. We can’t get in TX so got some to transport home!
View attachment 71845
Very cool. We used to truck all the way to Memphis, TN to get that! - that was back in a day when Saint Louis, MO Anheuser Busch was all powerful here. Of course it was not just for the beer, I discovered Graceland and Sun Recording Studios we have been going back ever since, beer or no beer.
Sun Studios is particularly impressive, and tiny, come to think of it. Probably my favorite road trip around here.

So, let me guess (and yes, I may be projecting!) - the wife doesn't know about the board, yet, and you are now trying to figure out how to bring it up.


Boy is that the truth. This doesn't just blend in with my other boards. Any help on this talk track would be appreciated.
@Jet Blue are u coming to Kerr lake on the 21st? U can try it then. . I don't mind watching u get in that lace cold 100 foot deep water and tryingnit out!

I can't make it out to Kerr this month, but I will get out there eventually. I'll let ya know.
We used to grab what we could every time we hit Tennessee. Then when we could buy it in Ohio we pretty much stopped drinking it :confused:
The line and crowd at my local DMV. I’m in a line to get a number so I can stand in another line. Somethings never change, appointment or not. This is supposed To be the fast office.
We used to grab what we could every time we hit Tennessee. Then when we could buy it in Ohio we pretty much stopped drinking it :confused:
It's brewed here in Pa. maybe 40 minutes away from our house. I used to drink it, but stopped about the time they got big and started shipping across state lines. I was on Power Tour with HotRod Magazine in 1999 and there were a bunch of Canadians who went to the brewery and bought as much as their cars could carry. They said it was the closest thing available in the States to what they considered real beer. Great group of guys. Helluva party at the hotels.
Love me some yuengling, and my fridge is always stocked.

Got some new jet ski docks delivered today (finally):


and new sticker to sport some pride for the hometeam:

So, let me guess (and yes, I may be projecting!) - the wife doesn't know about the board, yet, and you are now trying to figure out how to bring it up.


you spelt BRUINS wrong, and the logo is a bear, not a flightless duck engineered to feed bears.......just sayin

You both spelled "Lightning" wrong, and the logo is lightning, meant to strike down any object in its path. ;)