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Getting away from it all...This morning's walk to the pump shed in the last couple of days of the 2020 Maple Sap season in the Champlain Valley. The song birds are back, singing over the sound of the transfer pump. Boating season is very near.

OMG. @zipper I SO envy you!

This is my current "work from home" setup, lol. I hate it, don't know how long I'm going to last, I'm a people's person! and I need to hit some water.

OMG. @zipper I SO envy you!

This is my current "work from home" setup, lol. I hate it, don't know how long I'm going to last, I'm a people's person! and I need to hit some water.
View attachment 115110


hmmmm, all those screens and not one of them monitoring jetboaters.net, I'm kind of disappointed, how many screens do you need before you dedicate one to JBN ??

I bet @zipper is checking JBN on his phone in the pump shack (telling Willow he's trying to track down that pound of lost vacuum)

hmmmm, all those screens and not one of them monitoring jetboaters.net, I'm kind of disappointed, how many screens do you need before you dedicate one to JBN ??

I bet @zipper is checking JBN on his phone in the pump shack (telling Willow he's trying to track down that pound of lost vacuum)


Not to be a smart ass...but vacuum is measured in inches. Funny, no cell service down in that hollow. I have to go up on a ridge to get 4G. And yes I have checked in from the woods.

Edit: I read vacuum from a guage. Units, "in. Hg" (inches Mercury). There are other units, as @Scottintexas used for measuring atmosphere. Understanding Vacuum Measurement Units
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Hunter got to wear his new boots today, 45 and rain

Funny you should mention that, my coworker is native chinese, his father is still there and heard how bad it was here and sent him 5 of these fedex,

Hunter got to wear his new boots today, 45 and rain

View attachment 115175
So... we haven’t had a dog in several years, and that’s about to change in another month. So, I’m curious...

Do these serve a purpose for the pup, or is this one of those weird over the top things dog crazy people make their dogs wear because it’s cute?? ;)

1st week of May, we are getting an 8 week old goldendoodle... who I believe could be a 50lb dog when he gets bigger. So, I’m already starting to plan for the boat rides and am a bit curious about his nails on the boat.
Spraying pb blaster on the bolts/nuts of the truck bed, anticipating pulling the bed tomorrow to put new "shower heads" on the fuel picks so i can actually use the full tank worth of fuel instead of running dry at half
