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Show us what you see!!!

I see the horses enjoying the warm sunshine,


And my neighbor going fishing?


Time to change the oil and get the Yamaha ready. It has been nearly 6 mos. I am way overdue for a ride.
Saw this little guy Sunday night (4/05)

This morning (4/07)
You can't make that show up!! It's freaking CRAZY!! and I've only watched 3 episodes!
You can't make that show up!! It's freaking CRAZY!! and I've only watched 3 episodes!
The 3rd episode is where it starts getting good. It'll fly by now...
My gf showed me that last night from Facebook. Too funny
Supposedly the biggest moon of the year tonight...
Beautiful night (4/07) here in St Pete...
@Ronnie, Just wait until you calculate what it’s going to cost per wipe :)
"I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe."

"I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe."

So true...now I'm only allowed 3 squares. Fold away...
I don't know about everyone and how they're cooking but we're grilling a lot. Saw an add on TV about this copper sheet. Slap it on the grille and cook on top of it. Claims to grill exactly the same with grille marks and all. The best part is nothing sticks to it. Obviously nothing touches the rack and nothing sticks to the sheet. Ordered a 2-pack online from HD for $9.99 and picked it up outside. Been using it all week and I must say, it works great! Grille lines, super easy to clean, nothing falls thru it and no flare ups (I know I sound like a commercial). Anyone use these?

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I don't know about everyone and how their cooking but we're grilling a lot. Saw an add on TV about this copper sheet. Slap it on the grille and cook on top of it. Claims to grill exactly the same with grille marks and all. The best part is nothing sticks to it. Obviously nothing touches the rack and nothing sticks to the sheet. Ordered a 2-pack online from HD for $9.99 and picked it up outside. Been using it all week and I must say, it works great! Grille lines, super easy to clean, nothing falls thru it and no flare ups (I know I sound like a commercial). Anyone use these?

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I have....but never got grill marks. I wish they made these with a small lip around the edge to keep all those good fish juices on the fish or whatever you are cooking.
I have....but never got grill marks. I wish they made these with a small lip around the edge to keep all those good fish juices on the fish or whatever you are cooking.
You probably could fold up the sides. Have you tried?

Cooked up pork chops last night and got the grille lines. Next time (if I think of it), I'll take pictures. Was afraid it would cook differently or taste different but all's good. Impressed; never knew. As they say, "When you don't know, you don't know".
You probably could fold up the sides. Have you tried?

Cooked up pork chops last night and got the grille lines. Next time (if I think of it), I'll take pictures. Was afraid it would cook differently or taste different but all's good. Impressed; never knew. As they say, "When you don't know, you don't know".
The ones I have do not fold, they are flexible but no foldable.