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Easy enough to make one, just buy a copper sheet and fold 1/2” up around the edges. Copper is super easy to work with, but I wonder the longevity getting hot and cold?
Easy enough to make one, just buy a copper sheet and fold 1/2” up around the edges. Copper is super easy to work with, but I wonder the longevity getting hot and cold?
I hope to find out. I'll let you know. Grilling is good and a "guy thing", right?. We're king of the grille. ? Just don't overcook you wife's steak. :rolleyes:
UMMM...just recieved this txt. doing morning chores. Funny, 30+ miles away. Maybe the snow screwed them up.


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Check out this gang! My daughter and her boyfriend's dogs at their house, from left to right, Lucy, Cash, and Hennessy. What is the focus of the laser stare you ask?....... A tennis ball!
The one in the middle, "Cash" is a fetching machine. I've never seen a dog play fetch as intently as this dog. You can throw a tennis ball about as hard as you can at him if he's out in the yard and he will catch it mid air 9 outta 10 times.

Being socially distant and collecting next years firewood.

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Looks like we will be in for a wild ride on Easter. They are calling for large long track tornadoes in our area tomorrow. Big purple blob for us. Yup it’s tornado season in the south. As if the virus lockdown and pollen wasn’t enough lol.

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I don't know about everyone and how they're cooking but we're grilling a lot. Saw an add on TV about this copper sheet.
Are they coated with something? Bare copper can leach molecules into food and lead to buildup in your system leading to poisonous levels. Copper cooking pots and pans typically have inner linings to prevent the copper leaching. Aluminum foil also should not be used regularly for wrapping foods on the grill. Having said that, both copper and aluminum foil is fine when used very sparingly though...just try to limit its use.

We use a stainless steel sheet plate with handles for drip-less cooking, and a stainless basket for grilling vegetables (both made domestically for greater strength and durability). We also have a pump sprayer for olive oil to give them a quick spray to keep food from sticking - works great.
In the pano pic up - there is the hospital ship, I was asked. Here is another pic maybe better.
I must say it felt freaking unreal to see this.

Are they coated with something? Bare copper can leach molecules into food and lead to buildup in your system leading to poisonous levels. Copper cooking pots and pans typically have inner linings to prevent the copper leaching. Aluminum foil also should not be used regularly for wrapping foods on the grill. Having said that, both copper and aluminum foil is fine when used very sparingly though...just try to limit its use.

We use a stainless steel sheet plate with handles for drip-less cooking, and a stainless basket for grilling vegetables (both made domestically for greater strength and durability). We also have a pump sprayer for olive oil to give them a quick spray to keep food from sticking - works great.
These sheets are great. Yes, they're coated. Heat transfers thru with no problem and cleanup is a breeze. Really works. I'm hooked. We have an Insta Pot too. I cut the second sheet to fit the bottom. Waiting to see how that works out.
Built this over the last few weeks. Finished it today. It's great from 10ft. Sadly you can only get 8ft away in my dining area.


Top is 2x6 cut down to 2x5, torched the boards then scraped with a wire brush. Couple coats of poly darkened it up pretty significantly. Shelves are 3/4 in birch plywood with Espresso stain and a couple coats of poly. Rest is 2x4 and 2x2 raw lumber.

It'll hold up the coffee pot, and I like the style, but the craftsmanship is pretty poor overall and I'm not really happy with it. If we like it, I'll spend a bit more time on the next one and sell this one on Craigslist or something.
Here are a few Marine themed Easter Eggs for those whose kids can't join the hunt.

In the pano pic up - there is the hospital ship, I was asked. Here is another pic maybe better.
I must say it felt freaking unreal to see this.

I have a pic from work I haven’t been authorized to share yet, the company I work for is supplying water treatment for the Mercy and the Comfort in NY and LA. Our driver got a Marine escort and set up the trailers right next to the ship. It’s a huge vessel, and to see it docked in US cities on missions is pretty disconcerting.
Finally installed my soft top on the Gladiator for the first time, but the lockdown and bad weather hasn't allowed me to try it out yet. Today its going to be near 70 and I need to get out of the house, badly. I'm going to break the law and go for a drive just for the hell of it.

I have a pic from work I haven’t been authorized to share yet, the company I work for is supplying water treatment for the Mercy and the Comfort in NY and LA. Our driver got a Marine escort and set up the trailers right next to the ship. It’s a huge vessel, and to see it docked in US cities on missions is pretty disconcerting.
It’s completely unreal, when I realized what I was looking at..., and total silence around a place normally bustling.

Well, this too shall pass.


Scroll to about 22:30...

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