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So... we haven’t had a dog in several years, and that’s about to change in another month. So, I’m curious...

Do these serve a purpose for the pup, or is this one of those weird over the top things dog crazy people make their dogs wear because it’s cute?? ;)

1st week of May, we are getting an 8 week old goldendoodle... who I believe could be a 50lb dog when he gets bigger. So, I’m already starting to plan for the boat rides and am a bit curious about his nails on the boat.
We bought the shoes for multiple reasons,
1. Texas concrete in the summer is like walking through hot coals
2. boat ramp often has broken glass either on the pavement or in the grass
3. water is like mud and if he plays at the beach there can be broken glass
4. when it rains and we take long bike rides I though it would be better for his pads, sometimes they seems like they start to get raw,

Looks like Mr. T with all of those chains ???

I pity the fool who thinks they're going to walk on the same side walk as us ! :oops:
This is Corona Virus Gold. Tried to buy hair clippers today at Target and Best Buy, they are all sold out. I also went out to buy TP my store was out of stock the past two attempts.

I had to get something out from under the bathroom sink and found both a full clipper set and some Sharmin!!!

I was ready to order the clippers and wait until mid month for delivery.

We bought the shoes for multiple reasons,
1. Texas concrete in the summer is like walking through hot coals
2. boat ramp often has broken glass either on the pavement or in the grass
3. water is like mud and if he plays at the beach there can be broken glass
4. when it rains and we take long bike rides I though it would be better for his pads, sometimes they seems like they start to get raw,

I pity the fool who thinks they're going to walk on the same side walk as us ! :oops:
All good reasons!! Thanks for sharing. ?
So... we haven’t had a dog in several years, and that’s about to change in another month. So, I’m curious...

Do these serve a purpose for the pup, or is this one of those weird over the top things dog crazy people make their dogs wear because it’s cute?? ;)

1st week of May, we are getting an 8 week old goldendoodle... who I believe could be a 50lb dog when he gets bigger. So, I’m already starting to plan for the boat rides and am a bit curious about his nails on the boat.
If you ever need some Doodle advice, we have a 4.5 year old female. We love her, best dog ever. Unless you’re is either a mini or has tiny parents, 50lbs will be a few month old puppy. Our Daisy Mae is 75 lbs and VERY lean. She stands quite tall, her mom was a 60lb english cream golden dad is a 100lb rust colored standard poodle.
Oh, and find either a good groomer or invest in a good pair of clippers. I shave ours about quarterly. They go from pristine to matted mess in about a 3 day period.
If you ever need some Doodle advice, we have a 4.5 year old female. We love her, best dog ever. Unless you’re is either a mini or has tiny parents, 50lbs will be a few month old puppy. Our Daisy Mae is 75 lbs and VERY lean. She stands quite tall, her mom was a 60lb english cream golden dad is a 100lb rust colored standard poodle.
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Oh, and find either a good groomer or invest in a good pair of clippers. I shave ours about quarterly. They go from pristine to matted mess in about a 3 day period.
Tks! Wife and I are so excited. We haven’t told the kids yet. I think we’re going to do something with a picture of the puppy for Easter next weekend.

Here’s a post that the breeder posted on her FB page, referring to our 4 yr old. He’s about 4 weeks old now. Should be going to get him about May 8.

I’m already watching YouTube videos on training and introducing them to water and boats. Hoping that my YouTube history doesn’t give us away, as it shows up on the family room tv lol.

Wow, 75lbs!! I read online somewhere that the breed ranges 50-65 lbs. I better adjust my brain a bit, lol. Our last 2 dogs were both 40lbs. They passed 6yrs ago and 4yrs ago at 14 and 16yrs old.
@BigAbe75 you should be able to get a good idea of the size by looking at the parents if you’ve met them. 65-80 is pretty average for a female, 75-95 for a male. There’s a group on FB my girlfriend is a member of, many of their males are 100 lbs plus! I’m sure you guys will just love it, and by all means I encourage you to acclimate to water early. We waited too long, but both goldens and poodles are water dogs so they’re naturals.
@BigAbe75 you should be able to get a good idea of the size by looking at the parents if you’ve met them. 65-80 is pretty average for a female, 75-95 for a male. There’s a group on FB my girlfriend is a member of, many of their males are 100 lbs plus! I’m sure you guys will just love it, and by all means I encourage you to acclimate to water early. We waited too long, but both goldens and poodles are water dogs so they’re naturals.
Haven’t met them yet. They aren’t allowing visiting hours. Actually, it looks like they stopped that awhile back due to vet concerns. So, we won’t meet any of them until we go for pickup. Hopefully, we won’t have any trouble with that with all this quarantine business. I’ll see if I can find out the parent sizes. Honestly, we weren’t too concerned about that. We’ve been thinking about the breed for a few years and stars finally just aligned I guess. We found a local farm that raises them just over an hour away. They seem like a sweet older couple.

We are outside the city limits and have an acre and a half to play with. Already have invisible fence, installed when we moved here, around the perimeter from our previous dogs. That was 15 years ago, so I’m sure that technology has changed. They’re coming out next week to give the system a checkup and I’m sure try to sell us upgrades.
I bought this as a stand alone item because my wife could only buy one. I should not be but am surprised by what this costs. $1.83 per roll. The laws of supply and demand at work.

For the life of me I’ll never figure out the TP deal. Are people THAT driven by outside influences that it turns a non issue into a worldwide TP shortage?
The first sunny day in a week. It is nice to see the Valley again. A little snow in the mountains over the weekend. Good here, hope you all are well.

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For the life of me I’ll never figure out the TP deal. Are people THAT driven by outside influences that it turns a non issue into a worldwide TP shortage?
I don’t get it either. I didn’t hoard TP because I was told there was no need, TP is made and distributed domestically, we should not run out of it. However, it took three trips on different days to different stores to find any, so when I finally did I felt like I had to buy as much as I could with the rationale that if I didn’t buy now I might not be able to later.
I don’t get it either. I didn’t hoard TP because I was told there was no need, TP is made and distributed domestically, we should not run out of it. However, it took three trips on different days to different stores to find any, so when I finally did I felt like I had to buy as much as I could with the rationale that if I didn’t buy now I might not be able to later.
We've been buying 4 rolls a week. Found a local grocery store that will guarantee it on your online order. It's cheap, and not of great quality. We also have to make the "appointment" on Monday morning, and it's usually for Wednesday afternoon. Works out nice though, run to the store, wait outside, they load it in the back of the truck, stop and get chicken on the way home. Don't have to look at, touch, and barely talk to other people. It's really not that bad :D
This is Corona Virus Gold. Tried to buy hair clippers today at Target and Best Buy, they are all sold out. I also went out to buy TP my store was out of stock the past two attempts.

I had to get something out from under the bathroom sink and found both a full clipper set and some Sharmin!!!

I was ready to order the clippers and wait until mid month for delivery.

View attachment 115282
I see a California approved firearm there too!!
I’ll never forget very early on in this fiasco going to the store, and seeing the paper aisles bare but the water shelves fully stocked. I asked the guy working the aisle if they keep more water than TP in the store, and he thought it was quite the opposite. (The water bottles are date stamped). Seems to me I can definitely survive without one of those items, and it ain’t the water!
Bed is off, we had to lift from bottom since the lift couldn't go high enough to lift from bed rail

This is what we replaced, you can see the pick up tube with nothing on it


This is all we could find of the old one in the front tank,

The rear tank we couldn't find anything
