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Show us what you see!!!

Just watching a crop duster spray a few fields away from the houseView attachment 125999

I was on a 6 hour drive (business trip) with one of our new guys. He was young and didn't know crop dusters still existed. I was telling him about how I see them in WI near my house frequently.

The conversation had just started to drift to other things when a crop-duster cut across the freeway about 1/2 mile in front of us, turned, and dove back in to the field he was spraying.

The guy was blown away. I'm known for "teaching by showing" so he couldn't help but ask "How did you manage to arrange THAT?"

I told him we had to plan it around good flying weather. :cool:
Left the boat in the slip for 2 weeks and this is what the river paints on the hull even after I brushed it at the sandbar to remove what I could View attachment 125996
After an hour I’ve got it entirely cleaned up ready for Sunday on the MississippiView attachment 125997
Get yourself some SnowBowl toilet cleaner for next time. Shoot a bunch in a gallon of water and brush it on the hull, let sit then brush off the stains.
Visited Mom up in the U.P. last week. We were a few days late getting to it, but managed to do a little fireworks display of our own. Mother Nature helped out with this one.
(Pretty impressed with the iPhone 8 camera. I had left my DSLR bag back at Mom's house in the rush to head to the cottage.)

Taking the boat up north (even if it was ready) would cause "political issues" since Mom isn't a boater. That said, I was still able to get Matt on a tube behind a boat for the first time. Letting John drive was probably a mistake. Here he's setting his brother up for the big sling-shot. He was able to hold on somehow:

I don't REALLY understand what's happening here:

The Boy is more athletic in one finger than I ever was in my whole body but I'm STILL the reigning corn-hole champion:

Drove by this silly thing all my life when I lived up there. Finally stopped for a picture with the family ('course I forgot the tripod so guess who's not in the picutre.... sigh):

You ain't had muffins and jam until you've had it from "The Jam Pot." Jampot I'm the cheapest guy I know and I'm happy to spend $100 for a dozen or so muffins and a couple jars of jam.

On the way to Copper Harbor:

Here's a family tradition when we go to Copper Harbor and visit Fort Wilkins. We have the kids pose in front of this particular fireplace. They used to all be able to pack INSIDE the hearth.
Not sure how many more of those we get. Time does go on.

Maybe in a few years there will be little ones packed in there with them. :)
Visited Mom up in the U.P. last week. We were a few days late getting to it, but managed to do a little fireworks display of our own. Mother Nature helped out with this one.
View attachment 126042
(Pretty impressed with the iPhone 8 camera. I had left my DSLR bag back at Mom's house in the rush to head to the cottage.)

Taking the boat up north (even if it was ready) would cause "political issues" since Mom isn't a boater. That said, I was still able to get Matt on a tube behind a boat for the first time. Letting John drive was probably a mistake. Here he's setting his brother up for the big sling-shot. He was able to hold on somehow:
View attachment 126043

I don't REALLY understand what's happening here:
View attachment 126045

The Boy is more athletic in one finger than I ever was in my whole body but I'm STILL the reigning corn-hole champion:
View attachment 126046

Drove by this silly thing all my life when I lived up there. Finally stopped for a picture with the family ('course I forgot the tripod so guess who's not in the picutre.... sigh):
View attachment 126047

You ain't had muffins and jam until you've had it from "The Jam Pot." Jampot I'm the cheapest guy I know and I'm happy to spend $100 for a dozen or so muffins and a couple jars of jam.
View attachment 126048

On the way to Copper Harbor:
View attachment 126049

Here's a family tradition when we go to Copper Harbor and visit Fort Wilkins. We have the kids pose in front of this particular fireplace. They used to all be able to pack INSIDE the hearth.
View attachment 126050
Not sure how many more of those we get. Time does go on.

Maybe in a few years there will be little ones packed in there with them. :)
I remember that 78-79 snowstorm down in Chicago. That was incredible amounts of snow!!
I remember that 78-79 snowstorm down in Chicago. That was incredible amounts of snow!!

I was a little kid at the time (7 yrs old) and hated school. (Still do come to think of it.) I prayed for snow EVERY night that winter so that school would be cancelled. By February I was getting scared and started praying for it to stop!

My Mom remembers me helping her shovel the front walk one morning when my Dad was at work. The banks were so tall - and I was so short - I had to push the snow into one spot so she could throw it up on the bank. I asked "Mamma - is it EVER going to stop snowing?" She said "I hope so...."
Our own little slice of heaven this week on Norris Lake in Tennessee on a house boat!

Norris Lake 2020.jpg

Norris Lake 2020 2.jpg
Made a PPE shield for our field table where we weigh the berries and take payment. Following the ACCD guidelines for u-pick operations during Covid.



We had cars waiting at the gate at 9:30, we open at 10. Perfect weather day for picking and it has been busy. Our capacity is actually over 200, based on our acerage, but I made an executive decision to limit customers.
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Last night at the lake house Vrbo

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R32 Nissan Skyline engine and front end electrical checks on a R34 front end conversion. I’ve been working on it since January. Was in a front end collision over a year ago.

looks great but the OCD in me would give me a heart attack with all that polished aluminum.