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@drewkaree Barge party over the weekend. this looks like it was fun however were you concern about the number people not wearing masks especially with the increase in the number of Coronavirus cases. Not judging just asking [flag]
The Blueberry Season has begun at Willow Hill Farm in Milton, Vt. We open to the public for PYO blueberries later this week. We will be implementing State Covid guidelines for PYO operations. Good crop this year. The phone has been ringing off the hook. Hope they come early and often to get the berries picked so we can get back to daytime boating before mid August.


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From last night at our dock in Norris. Stunning. It was pitch dark when I took this.
Barge party over the weekend. We got there early-ish, but still ended up pretty far away from the stage (it's the red tent), and over the next hour or so, I'd say attendance doubled from what was in this pic. I think the idea is to have this become an annual event, and it'd be great if it did. I saw 5+ Yamaha's there, hopefully everyone had a good time, and if I stopped by to chat with you, hopefully we meet up again soon.

Phones and water don't mix, IMO, so this was all I took from the relative safety of my boat, where my phone stayed for the duration of the event.

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I spent a week on Poygan a few years ago. We and my wife's family rented a house on the east side of the lake. 16 of us. They all did the "Dells" thing. (That'll be a "hard pass" for me thanks.) Father-In-Law and I spent most of the days just buzzing up and down the lake horsing around. Everyone else had something bizarre happen (BIL passed out and ended up in E.R. for no apparent reason, MIL twisted an ankle, etc) but the FIL and I had a blast just hanging out on the lake most days. This is still referred to as "Larry's Vacation" in family lore.

@drewkaree : I'm curious where this is on the lake. Looks like fun - just far more social than I am in the best of times. ;)
@drewkaree Barge party over the weekend. this looks like it was fun however were you concern about the number people not wearing masks especially with the increase in the number of Coronavirus cases. Not judging just asking [flag]

Not in the least. The entire area is shallow enough that you could walk upright, and even though it looks super packed and close together, it's similar to the misleading camera angles of numerous shots you've seen of beaches around the country - low angled shot makes it look like you're elbow to elbow, but in reality, if you CAN'T stay 6 feet from someone (if you so desire), you're simply not aware or concerned enough to pay attention to your distancing. There were several neighbors there who I would put in the "super extra cautious" category that showed up, and they would be the type of person to not even show up at all if they had concerns. I don't mind the ask - I'd like to get back to living in a country where we actually have discussions with others where we listen to each other and stop assigning the absolute worst motives to the other person before they ever speak a word simply because of what "side" of an issue someone is on. Can't get there without talking! :winkingthumbsup"
@drewkaree I'd like to get back to living in a country where we actually have discussions with others where we listen to each other and stop assigning the absolute worst motives to the other person before they ever speak a word simply because of what "side" of an issue someone is on. Can't get there without talking!

I absolutely agree with you [flag]
I spent a week on Poygan a few years ago. We and my wife's family rented a house on the east side of the lake. 16 of us. They all did the "Dells" thing. (That'll be a "hard pass" for me thanks.) Father-In-Law and I spent most of the days just buzzing up and down the lake horsing around. Everyone else had something bizarre happen (BIL passed out and ended up in E.R. for no apparent reason, MIL twisted an ankle, etc) but the FIL and I had a blast just hanging out on the lake most days. This is still referred to as "Larry's Vacation" in family lore.

@drewkaree : I'm curious where this is on the lake. Looks like fun - just far more social than I am in the best of times. ;)

My son and his family went to the Dells this past weekend - they've been shut down for quite some time (or at least REALLY lessened in the amount of people going there). My job takes me to the Dells at least once a week when they're in full swing, and even at this point, it's closer to every 2-3 weeks thus far.

So if you can go back in your mind, were you near Boom Bay? If you went tooling around Poygan, you likely came across the mouth of the Wolf (the red line), and the barge party was 10 minutes to the west of the mouth of the Wolf, down the north shoreline from the mouth of the Wolf. That area where the barge party was at, is in Norwegian Bay - locals simply call it Indian Point, and it's the black X - most weekends you'll see a decent amount of boats in the area so you know where to hang out.

The entire lake is quite shallow, it used to be a wild rice paddy many MANY years ago (probably 70+ years), and the average depth of the whole lake is 8'. If you were on the east side, there's several weed beds in the area, one of them has become another nice area to tie up, but it's nowhere near as large as the area by Indian Point. I've heard from several people that they'd put in from all over to come there. It's quite family friendly if you have little kids, as the water is 2' deep for several hundred yards in every direction in that area.

*edit* forgot to add the pic! ?

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Not many folks know what this means..."They all did the "Dells" thing ". ( insert local tourist trap here ).. LOL

Growing up near you (free-dow-nnnnnnya) I know it all too well. It's fun for the kids a time or two. But gets old soon after...
@drewkaree : I'm curious where this is on the lake. Looks like fun - just far more social than I am in the best of times. ;)

I promise, whatever your socializing comfort is, you'll be able to "stay in your lane" if you so choose. On a "regular" weekend, the amount of people who would be there is about half of what's in that pic, so this ended up being a very well attended event. The shallow area is absolutely huge, and the funny thing for me is when I'm pulling up and people are telling me to kill the engine and they'll help walk me in "before your motor hits bottom...trim it up some!"
the funny thing for me is when I'm pulling up and people are telling me to kill the engine and they'll help walk me in "before your motor hits bottom...trim it up some!"
I go through the same thing, but now I back in and everyone is looking at me like WTF is he doing??? After they help they say "oh, a jet boat, those use a TON of fuel" I just shake my head anymore.
When I was a kid (growing up in RI), we did the Del's thing too. It was (is) Del's lemonade. :cool: Very refreshing on a hot day!

My son and his family went to the Dells this past weekend - they've been shut down for quite some time (or at least REALLY lessened in the amount of people going there). My job takes me to the Dells at least once a week when they're in full swing, and even at this point, it's closer to every 2-3 weeks thus far.

So if you can go back in your mind, were you near Boom Bay? If you went tooling around Poygan, you likely came across the mouth of the Wolf (the red line), and the barge party was 10 minutes to the west of the mouth of the Wolf, down the north shoreline from the mouth of the Wolf. That area where the barge party was at, is in Norwegian Bay - locals simply call it Indian Point, and it's the black X - most weekends you'll see a decent amount of boats in the area so you know where to hang out.

The entire lake is quite shallow, it used to be a wild rice paddy many MANY years ago (probably 70+ years), and the average depth of the whole lake is 8'. If you were on the east side, there's several weed beds in the area, one of them has become another nice area to tie up, but it's nowhere near as large as the area by Indian Point. I've heard from several people that they'd put in from all over to come there. It's quite family friendly if you have little kids, as the water is 2' deep for several hundred yards in every direction in that area.

*edit* forgot to add the pic! ?

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Wow! My mind was completely shut down! Got the Dells / Petenwell and Lake Poygan mixed up in my brain! :oops: The lake we were on at the Dells was Petenwell! Poygan is in my NORMAL boating area. (We usually launch at Rainbow Park in Oshkosh.)

Man. I can only claim an early morning post on the first Monday back to work after vacation and the coffee hadn't kicked in yet........ (I'll add that we were in the U.P. so my brain was also in "Michigan Mode" to my excuse list.)

Coming back to reality (from whatever overtired dream state I was in), if you go about a mile north (and a little east) of the east-most Hwy-B marker on the map snip you posted, you'll find our usual anchor spot / swimming hole. We randomly anchored there one day and never deleted the GPS mark. It's our primary swimming hole now.

We do circumnavigate the lake occasionally so I know I've been through the area you're talking about. We also head up the Wolf River once in a while too - but only during the week when no-wake isn't in effect. Weekend trips up the Wolf are reserved for late September when the sun is a welcome warmer rather than a brain-baker. (Of course my seldom used stereo is tuned in to Wayne Larrivee if it's a Sunday Afternoon.)
Yeah super excited for this spring. My hetero life-mate will be looking for her new ride about then, this is tops on the list. 4 door in the Outer Banks trim for her, she’s putting her $100 in right now.
Left the boat in the slip for 2 weeks and this is what the river paints on the hull even after I brushed it at the sandbar to remove what I could 3E6FF131-21EE-4682-A811-D30ACCB6F660.jpeg
After an hour I’ve got it entirely cleaned up ready for Sunday on the MississippiB350AFC3-8942-468A-93D9-306AFDC8C260.jpeg