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At the end of my last sup/raft/kayak trip I ended up help one of the group members by taking her back to the spot on the river that she accidentally left her phone at, when we got back to the rest of the group they got out of the water and had to return their rented kayaks. Since my wife and I didn’t rent we continued down river another 2 hours. The woman I helped ended up on the from of my Sup and she volunteered to paddle as well as tow my wife on her sup.

as we passed several people on the shore one asked, “What is wrong with this picture picture?” In response I said “Not an Fing thing except it would be better if my wife was hand feeding grapes at the same time”.
so I had a single (recently divorced), cute, 34 year old woman, in a bikini paddling me around with my wife in tow and not pissed off at me. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.
Don’t mind me...
@mkbcaptain , I thought you were on a stake out. What is on your dash in the first pic? WiFi extenders/repeaters? I haven’t flown my Mavic or spark in years but recall the Mavic having a range of 3 to 5 miles. How far out are you flying?
@mkbcaptain , I thought you were on a stake out. What is on your dash in the first pic? WiFi extenders/repeaters? I haven’t flown my Mavic or spark in years but recall the Mavic having a range of 3 to 5 miles. How far out are you flying?
On the dash is a raspberry pi running a program called kismet. The mavick 2 goes about 2.5 miles out with the stock antenna. With the modified ones I made it can fly up to 7.5 miles. It’s pretty cool.
On the dash is a raspberry pi running a program called kismet. The mavick 2 goes about 2.5 miles out with the stock antenna. With the modified ones I made it can fly up to 7.5 miles. It’s pretty cool.
That's really awesome! I assume this is for your job? Surveying railroad track or power line conditions?
That's really awesome! I assume this is for your job? Surveying railroad track or power line conditions?
Nope! Can’t get into it. But just doing WiFi surveys.
It has been a very busy last 7 days. Our son, Matt, came to help celebrate my birthday and I can tell you we all a great time. On Friday night our neighbor took us to Ruth Chris to celebrate my birthday, then we spent some time at the beach on Assateaque Island. Then we had my birthday party on Labor Day and then wrapped it up visiting a Burley Oak Brewery in Berlin Md. A great time was had by all.20CF5116-E486-49D1-A466-AC189F4F50A3_1_201_a.jpeg217311E8-1E4A-48C8-A9C1-066705A7023E_1_201_a.jpeg


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Starting to get that Nip in the air up near the 45th parallel. Water temp. is still around 70° and this morning's air temp is close to "Frost on the Pumpkin" temp. A shot of water vapor condensing above the lake this morning. Oh, and the leaves have started to change color up in the Hills.


Temp. this am during morning chores on the farm.

My wife added a frame to her mask to keep it from expanding and contracting, she also added part of a bounce dryer sheet to frame to cover/mask the smell of smoke from all the wildfires of late.

Thankfully there seems to be less snoke in the air today, I can almost see the sun and it’s only 10a.
Me in the middle of my first pedicure in months. Getting the full meal deal super deluxe package (no color/gel), $60 plus tip. FYI - if they break out the dremel it means your feet are in bad shape.


For any guys thinking I should turn in my man card, I say try it. I’m sitting in a massage chair (next to my wife) surrounded by women, most of them hot.
two of them, both customers, just stated that they wish their men would get pedicures, if they did their men would get more sex, another one said she would pay for her man’s pedicure if he would agree to get one. I’m having a great time b.s.ing with these ladies.
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My wife just got this for our dog. Before you look at the second pic. Guess what is costs. I’m still in a little shock but we love our dog and dont skimp of the Safety gear.



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