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Looks great @biglar155, especially for a first try. I’d be willing to pay a few hundred dollars for that If I needed one. I bet I’m not the only person who feels this way.

I'll be honest: I kept thinking to myself "It's o.k. you're in a hurry, you're gonna have to deal with imperfections, just don't cut your fingers off." I set my standard to "As long as it's better than the "box o' crap' stuff you buy at Wal-Mart and not stained red."

As much as I enjoy woodworking, I do remember why I enjoy writing software so much: You can hit "DELETE" and no one sees the pile of junk in your scrap-box. (Not that no one has ever asked me "What the heck is that supposed to be? " when looking at my code....... :rolleyes: )
Getting some quality time in with our new Fanuc Welding Robot at work. Part of a promotion I got back in April was to be the PM on this machine. It's the largest capital investment the company has made at ~$1.2m between hardware, software, and training. My guys have been fighting a touch sensor calibration issue all week. Finally went out and spent some hands on time with it myself today. Figured the problem out in about 6hrs. Rule #1 of mechatronics is to make sure the physical system matches the virtual system 100%. Found the laser touch sensor out of vertical by 3.8deg as compared to the virtual system. Once that was correct sensing and touchup was within 1/2 a wire diameter (0.045 wire).

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My buddy that’s a welder sent me this meme a couple days ago and it’s fitting for your post.

This was dinner, Friday Fish Fry at Boom Bay Bar and Grill. Hole in the wall, WAY easier to get to by boat, and an AWESOME place for drinks and food! If you're on Poygan, it's worth the trip - water is getting lower, so park your jet boat close to the launch, and/or resign yourself to pulling weeds from the impellers on your way back out (well worth the hassle, IMO).
... and for @biglar155 those chairs and bench in the pic above have no complaints or volunteers to dress them up, and here's some other examples of "cottage furniture", the daybed/couch was due to necessity (custom mattress for the space), the pantry/rack is to allow easy removal of that stuff when we start removing the drywall behind it and remodeling, and the bunk beds are full/double top AND bottom, to give us room to store crap in that room while the rest of our remodeling projects are underway and still allow us to have guests - we've got 10 bodies in a 750 sq ft house thisweekend




New Toy.
My wife gave birth to our baby boy on Thursday and we brought him home from the hospital today. We are looking forward to the adventure of being parents together. Weekend on the lake is spoiled now but there will be plenty of time in the future. Lol
My wife gave birth to our baby boy on Thursday and we brought him home from the hospital today. We are looking forward to the adventure of being parents together. Weekend on the lake is spoiled now but there will be plenty of time in the future. Lol
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Congratulations, great looking kid!
We attended a "boat to and anchor up" concert in memory of a beloved sailing instructor at the Community Sailing Center, who passed this Spring, adjacent to the Marina. No rafting up was allowed. We did not drive the boat over, it was only a few hundred feet away. We watched some of it from out on the Marina's "A" dock, the breakwater dock. It was a good night on the Lake to pack them in.

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Just got in! Lost oil pressure in port motor, bilge is full of oil. Crawled back at 7
Drones are great I have the same one, lot of rules getting nuts. I am taking the Dart Drones class next weekend in Scranton Pa. A lot of property owners call police when they see them so I think it’s easier to have a 107 and be able to show a federal license. Most cops don’t know anything about any of the rules and just want you to leave so they don’t have to be hassled. You will be able to get some great shots and that Hasselblad camera is awesome. Also with the auto show maker you can take video and five minutes later send people a 30 second video right from your phone with music in the background they love it.
There is a mode to follow your boat.
Also if you miss a sunset picture you can just send the drone up a couple hundred feet and watch the sunset again through the drone and take a picture.
great luck you will love it.
And also if you do not 25FF7C74-D61C-41F7-A752-4D707EFB67BE.jpegBEF23BB1-C33C-4DAB-93F2-8B665AD47674.jpeg0E0755F0-1E41-4DF1-9779-0F9E9206DCD8.jpegalso if you do not disable the safeties it is almost impossible to crash.
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Just got in! Lost oil pressure in port motor, bilge is full of oil. Crawled back at 7

Drones are great I have the same one, lot of rules getting nuts. I am taking the Dart Drones class next weekend in Scranton Pa. A lot of property owners call police when they see them so I think it’s easier to have a 107 and be able to show a federal license. Most cops don’t know anything about any of the rules and just want you to leave so they don’t have to be hassled. You will be able to get some great shots and that Hasselblad camera is awesome. Also with the auto show maker you can take video and five minutes later send people a 30 second video right from your phone with music in the background they love it.
There is a mode to follow your boat.
Also if you miss a sunset picture you can just send the drone up a couple hundred feet and watch the sunset again through the drone and take a picture.
great luck you will love it.
And also if you do not View attachment 132566View attachment 132567View attachment 132568also if you do not disable the safeties it is almost impossible to crash.
Yea I’m really excited to take it home and get on the water with it. The auto follow modes are really cool. And it has a live stream mode. I’ll have to mess with that.