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Not boating related at all other than I ended my boating weekend early to participate in a memorial for a friend who passed away after having a heart attack. For most there is never a good time to die but doing so during the Covid 19 pandemic seems to be one one the worst times to do so.

It was a drive through memorial at the local high school this man taught chemistry and coached the girls basketball team at for over 25 years. The family was allowed to place collages throughout the school parking lot that attendees drove past and spoke to the immediate family at the end of the memorial close to the exit. I think it was as good as it could be under the circumstances but hope this is just the way it is for now and not the new normal for years to come. If we were not in a pandemic I have no doubt that this memorial would have been conducted in the high school football stadium and the stands would have been packed. This guy positively impacted a lot of lives during his career.


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Usually get 30-40 boats. I saw around a dozen parked at the marina last year and it was based in Malletts Bay about 15 miles away. This year they start from our Marina so if the weather cooperates, I will be getting more go fast boat pictures. This year they hired a helicopter to get arial shots.
No, not running the Yamaha in it lol. My top speed is 48.8 mph. And the broad lake can kick up some mean stuff with a 10kt wind from N or S. I'll just watch them come and go from the marina. Those cat hulled boats are the ticket. I wonder if @Liveto99 is coming up.
Maybe next year I did not know about it and just got back from 15 day tour around the country with my kid put 7,200 miles on my truck.
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Put car or truck tires on it, trailer tires suck.
Normally I’d agree with you but I’ve owned this trailer since 2010 and it’s always had trailer tires. I didn’t start experiencing problems with them until this season. One change I’m starting to regret is upgrading to “better” trailer tires (Higher load and speed ratings, even calls for higher cold tire pressure) a few years ago. Plus a new rim and better tire were just delivered. Now I have two standard tires on white painted rims and two “better” tires on galvanized rims. Basically I’ve got two spares instead one one. I won’t be replacing these tires and rims unless three of them go bad at close to the same time.


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Death Valley, Ca.
Yes. And when your vehicle engine gets hot your air-conditioning shuts off, to reduce the strain on your motor.
then the heat turns on full blast in your car to cool off the engine by taking away motorheat. So it’s 130° Outside and in your truck with no air-conditioning the heat is on full and there’s nothing you can do about it.
to put this in perspective I pull my steaks off the grill at 125 inside temp.
Yes. And when your vehicle engine gets hot your air-conditioning shuts off, to reduce the strain on your motor.
then the heat turns on full blast in your car to cool off the engine by taking away motorheat. So it’s 130° Outside and in your truck with no air-conditioning the heat is on full and there’s nothing you can do about it.
to put this in perspective I pull my steaks off the grill at 125 inside temp.
Or in the Mojave desert, inside of an M1A1 Abrams Tanks, wet bulb read 143°!! YIKES!
Feed pump watch on the 6’9” level of an engine room on a nuclear powered guided middle cruiser sailing near the equator sucks serious balls. I’ve seen wet bulb temps near 150F at that watch station.
Had to google wet bulb temperature!

Living organisms can survive only within a certain temperature range. When the ambient temperature is excessive, humans and many animals cool themselves below ambient by evaporative cooling (sweat in humans and horses, saliva and water in dogs and other mammals); this helps to prevent potentially fatal hyperthermia due to heat stress. The effectiveness of evaporative cooling depends upon humidity; wet-bulb temperature, or more complex calculated quantities such as Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) which also takes account of solar radiation, give a useful indication of the degree of heat stress, and are used by several agencies as the basis for heat stress prevention guidelines.

A sustained wet-bulb temperature exceeding 35 °C (95 °F) is likely to be fatal even to fit and healthy people, unclothed in the shade next to a fan; at this temperature our bodies switch from shedding heat to the environment, to gaining heat from it.[9] Thus 35 °C (95 °F) is the threshold beyond which the body is no longer able to adequately cool itself.
Had to google wet bulb temperature!

Living organisms can survive only within a certain temperature range. When the ambient temperature is excessive, humans and many animals cool themselves below ambient by evaporative cooling (sweat in humans and horses, saliva and water in dogs and other mammals); this helps to prevent potentially fatal hyperthermia due to heat stress. The effectiveness of evaporative cooling depends upon humidity; wet-bulb temperature, or more complex calculated quantities such as Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) which also takes account of solar radiation, give a useful indication of the degree of heat stress, and are used by several agencies as the basis for heat stress prevention guidelines.

A sustained wet-bulb temperature exceeding 35 °C (95 °F) is likely to be fatal even to fit and healthy people, unclothed in the shade next to a fan; at this temperature our bodies switch from shedding heat to the environment, to gaining heat from it.[9] Thus 35 °C (95 °F) is the threshold beyond which the body is no longer able to adequately cool itself.
Yes, very dangerous, chugging water as fast as you can. And if you go down due to heat, you get the "silver bullet"!
Yes, very dangerous, chugging water as fast as you can. And if you go down due to heat, you get the "silver bullet"!

So, who carries around the rectal thermometer?
Back to our regular programming
20200901_160532.jpgopening day of dove season
With school starting - some of it virtual - I was approached Friday to have a corner desk in Mary's room by the time school started today.

With a few other things going on over the weekend, it was a rapid-build. I took shortcuts I'm not particularly proud of... but I'm happy overall with the way it came out given the circumstances.
Honestly it's my first attempt at "furniture" of any kind - so the fact it's standing up is pretty good. (The clothes iron in the pic is for the edge-banding.) It's just some 1x5 pine (yes, 1x5. No, I didn't know you could buy it like that either. No, it's not a U.S. standard size.) and a piece of 3/4" melamine covered fiberboard. I laminated the pine to make 1-1/2" by 1-1/2" legs and then got crazy and cut the little tapers on the ends with the band-saw.

In the haste to complete the project (she had to have it in her room on Day 1), I didn't get a chance to paint or stain the wood but it was in place and ready to go this morning so I'm calling it a "win."