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We’ve all felt this pain in our wallets before
Almost finished then the blood sucking mosquitoes came out....

Almost finished then the blood sucking mosquitoes came out....

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I feel your pain, i did a similar drain system. But mine was 4 sections with over 300 feet total of pipe. It sucked. I had to go between trees and had tons of roots to cut though.
We’ve all felt this pain in our wallets before
View attachment 133959

Fueling the jets sounds cool until the second, third and sometimes fourth time I need to swipe my debit card through the readers on the pumps. My bank declining to process such transactions for fear of fraud takes whatever excitement is left out of the experience.


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I flew the Zoom in the yard tonight...it's been a while. The Champlain Valley from 65' up. The yard is 1200' above sea level.


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At least you are using the best splitting axe available. Love my Fiscars axe. I have had it for over 10 years. It will not break like a splitting maul will. I used to buy a new maul every year. I actually like swinging mine, it is light, can swing all day and sharp as a razor. Don't miss and hit yourself with this one.

I have my own axe to grind, although I usually start out with a splitter w/ a 4-way wedge. It is that time of year again. That is what I am doing today.


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@zipper It certainly is the cat's ass of axes. Lifetime warranty, 1 swing splits and solid construction. I would say, for me, it's been about 90% 1-swing spits, of course there are your stubborn knots/joints etc.

What's the saying... Split your own wood, it will warm you twice!

Although, I know a few guys like this:

The growing season is coming to an end. Pickings from the garden today. Tomatoes for eating, juicing and fried green tonight, a few big tomatillos, habaneros, ghosts and a few hidden cukes.


The apples and pears have a pretty good crop too this year.


Eating a lot of apples lately.
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