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Daughter & I splitting some firewood. View attachment 134060

Looks like a home-brew log-splitter. My dad put one together with his buddies when I was a kid. After that, instead of just stacking the firewood, I got to split it too. (Was too small to swing a maul at the time.) Was fun at first..... ;)
Looks like a home-brew log-splitter. My dad put one together with his buddies when I was a kid. After that, instead of just stacking the firewood, I got to split it too. (Was too small to swing a maul at the time.) Was fun at first..... ;)
Yep, built it myself and it has a wedge that can split in either direction. I have to watch the weight of some of the pieces when using the lift arm though, I found out that it will tip if one is too heavy.
I have a smaller 22 ton log splitter but it can go vertical or horizontal....i never split horizontal as raising and moving pieces up high is harder than just moving them on the ground.


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A bird's eye view, to the North of our house, of some of our fields and the top of the arena. The Fall colors are coming along.

Brunch at the marina. Breakfast burrito, Hen of the Wood Mushroom eggs benedict, home fries and a fine bloody mary.

A warm afternoon, only 80 right now

The shadows on the Morning Walk (which I've been doing since March 16th for reasons we don't need to mention) are no longer from sunlight but streetlight.

This means I'm 99% likely to be done with the boating season. I was holding out for one last run, but now that we're nose-to-nose with October I think it's time to call it. Given to the size of the boat-project I took on (I WILL get around to updating my thread with the finished product one of these days), I'm just glad I got it done and got it on the water a couple times. (Spoiler alert: Trim Tabs and dual batteries are freaking awesome.)

Just to make my life a little easier in December, I'm getting an early start on the nutcracker projects this year. This time, in addition to making one for the Love of My Life, I'm also making one for each of our Moms.

I have a feeling that a set of trim tabs are in my future. I miss the ride and heavy feel of our Express cruiser on plane. Cutting through lake chop and boat wake like it's not there. There's gotta be something to the tabs to make the Yamaha better.
I have a feeling that a set of trim tabs are in my future. I miss the ride and heavy feel of our Express cruiser on plane. Cutting through lake chop and boat wake like it's not there. There's gotta be something to the tabs to make the Yamaha better.

Based only on two outings (and lack of experience with any boats other than this Yami, a 1990 17' Rinker, and a 1965 14' Shell Lake) I'll say this: The pitch change seems subtle at first, but the first time you see a big wave/wake approaching and put in some bow-down trim, you appreciate the difference.

The thing I found dramatic was the way you can affect steering by adjusting "roll." You can completely cancel out the need to hold the wheel to one side in a cross-wind with just a tap or two of the button. Knowing how slowly the tabs actually move, I was amazed.
The shadows on the Morning Walk (which I've been doing since March 16th for reasons we don't need to mention) are no longer from sunlight but streetlight.
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This means I'm 99% likely to be done with the boating season. I was holding out for one last run, but now that we're nose-to-nose with October I think it's time to call it. Given to the size of the boat-project I took on (I WILL get around to updating my thread with the finished product one of these days), I'm just glad I got it done and got it on the water a couple times. (Spoiler alert: Trim Tabs and dual batteries are freaking awesome.)

Just to make my life a little easier in December, I'm getting an early start on the nutcracker projects this year. This time, in addition to making one for the Love of My Life, I'm also making one for each of our Moms.

View attachment 134396

My morning walk with the dog today, not as early as yours.

@itsdgm , Dennis Great shot because it is. If I could comment twice or more I’d click the winner button as well or the “big balls” button if there was one, since the pic was taken in person not via a drone.

I imagine that if I took the pic with a drone the guys in the air would be upset with me flying while they are.
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I noticed this on my popcorn refill bucket this morning, it’s ironic because I only used it once or twice before the pandemic closed the movie theaters. It doesn’t look like I will get the chance to use it again before the end of this year. bring back 2020, yeah right, actually please don’t. I just noticed the pic is upside down, this was an accident but I will leave it as is since it seems appropriate as is.