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Sunsets have been spectacular the past couple days. Picture doesn't do it justice but close...

Caught a black bear on my game camera. Took a short video of it too.

View attachment 134619

Cool. Back in the 70's a trip to Copper Harbor MI to go camping always meant a trip to the "Bear Pit." Which was of course the town dump where all the black bears came for food. Cars would line up around the outer edge like a mini drive-in movie. I remember begging my parents to go from the moment we had camp set up.

Every now and then someone would get the smart idea to feed the bears through their window. That usually left them with a bear on the hood, one on the roof and maybe one pawing at the door.

Needless to say that practice was ultimately discontinued.
A change of seasons is in the air. A lot of Canada geese flying South this morning.

A couple pictures from the morning dog run. Before it turns to grey/brown and white.


Went to the marina & got things from our slip before they pull everything out of the water. Not sure if we’ll keep it for next season, didn’t use it much due to boating on multiple different bodies of water. 1906B154-663F-470D-98A2-F3C717ADFD8B.jpeg
@itsdgm , Dennis Great shot because it is. If I could comment twice or more I’d click the winner button as well or the “big balls” button if there was one, since the pic was taken in person not via a drone.

I imagine that if I took the pic with a drone the guys in the air would be upset with me flying while they are.
I’ve recently been working with a professional drone pilot to get some footage of us for a short movie that he’s working on. He’s got some pretty amazing skills. I’ll end up using the footage too for another one of my videos.
This pic was taken with a GoPro on a chase cam. Hey, at least this pic has a boat in it. ?EA7C9464-3DFE-4E7C-BC26-20714772E719.png
Was able to visit my mom in houston for the first time in 9 months
Had a nice lunch with her

Was able to stop and see my sister and help with her truck, the a/c vacuum controller broke
Growing up in houston and then moving to dallas one of the biggest things we miss are the piney woods, took the long way home through Cleveland just get a good taste of it,

Anybody have a clue on this texture application? Looks to be like it’s a paint roller and thinned down compound.
Glamping tonight on the boat in October. Got the dogs settled in on a warm Fall night.

Who needs six flags when you get to teach kids how to drive
#3 starts tonight

@Scottintexas i cannot believe she is ready for her driver license. It feels like a few ago that she got her safety curse certification for driving the boat.

as per the roll coaster I can see it. If her right foot on the Audi is like her right hand on the jetski I feel your pain
End of the season for HMS Artemis 553 and the crew. 9 hours for this summer. Canceled Florida trip for the weekend :-(
Working winterize 2 cars, a motorcycle, boat and ski. First world problem are tough lol


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We took a wrong turn/long route to Fort Bragg and ended up driving through a Redwood Forest in Mendocino County. We were late for event we were going to but in retrospect I am glad we were.
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@Betik Where was that picture taken? That looks like a dream cove.