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This is why you always hike with a friend (preferably Betik :) ) that way you don't have to out run the cougar ( or bear ) you just have to out run your friend,

LOL! I believe that was said and demonstrated in an episode of the Walking Dead. Loved that show...
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Looking to replace an old basement window, and I had to either make it myself, or pay a fortune. Since I did another window like this previously, I was pretty confident this would turn out just as well, but this one has the two vent blocks on the top to get them higher on the outside. Still need to finish the seam caulking and cut some PVC trim pieces for the mounting surface of the vent assembly to extend it outward, and then it'll be ready for installation.

I hate putzy projects like this, but this will allow me to finish placement of the dryer and potentially start on framing out the basement laundry/bathroom in fall/winter/spring. The old crappy stick-on floor tiles are my "drop cloth" until I get to that point. They were here when we bought the house, and I've got half of them removed when I started on the floor and setting up a shop area, but this area has come in handy more than once, doing stuff here that could wreck the flooring elsewhere. The first pic shows my "test window" that was my first experiment a few years ago, and just how PlastiDip looks on a vent assembly.




Love the head gate! I have trimmed countless sheep toenails (hooves). I rolled them up side down on their butts, they wont move, to trim toe nails on the sheep.
LOL, I wished this worked with dogs! We have to distract them with treats and sometimes peanut butter from a spoon. Fun times...
I saw this quick clip after the security camera notified me. The season is officially over when you drain and roll up the water hose.
Beautiful windy day in the mid 70's today. Haul out tomorrow, rain 50's.

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Our next bad financial decision
Nice looking rig! It's really not a bad financial decision if you have a good place to keep it under cover and you actually use it.
Thank you! I'm confident we'll hey a lot of enjoyment out of it and it proves it's value.

First mod -
Those cheap stock cabinets have to go
Ooof you may have overestimated my ambition... the skill level is there but the desire is lacking. ??? It might be a challenging enough project just to keep them from falling apart. Lol!

At least the doors are solid. Maybe when I retire and if the trailer is still around I'll start the remodel. ?
Problem: I’m buying a new waverunner and need to make space on my trailer but didn’t have a cart, dolly or another trailer to hold the waverunner I am replacing. I checked Craig’slist and there was nothing within 100 miles of me. On Amazon I found several for $200 to $250 but I wouldn’t get one for three weeks.

Solution: Build my own personal water craft dolly.
about $200 in materials
lots of labor
But worth it.
Fall cabin adventure...


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Problem: I’m buying a new waverunner and need to make space on my trailer but didn’t have a cart, dolly or another trailer to hold the waverunner I am replacing. I checked Craig’slist and there was nothing within 100 miles of me. On Amazon I found several for $200 to $250 but I wouldn’t get one for three weeks.

Solution: Build my own personal water craft dolly.
View attachment 135471
about $200 in materials
View attachment 135473
lots of labor
View attachment 135475
View attachment 135474
View attachment 135472
But worth it.
How difficult is it to transfer on/off the trailer?

How difficult is it to transfer on/off the trailer?

It was easy to get off the trailer, took about 5 minutes for me to do so. Well me and three 17 year olds basically controlling a slow drop. It may be a lot harder to get it back on the trailer or into a truck bed.
Leaving the Marina yesterday, it closes this Weekend. One last stop at the fuel/pumpout dock to clean out the head holding tank and then off to the Shipyard for haul out and Winterizing.


We made the 45 min. trip during a 2 hr. break in the rain, thank you radar, but we were prepared for for cold, wet 48° weather.

The eyes say it all. We wish for a longer season.

Checking the radar app.

I put my 2003 fx waverunner up for sale on Craigslist on Thursday, I sold it two days later for my asking price, this is the last time I saw it.

also included are pics of another tracked vehicle I saw at a motorsports shop in Sacramento.
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