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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

@Betik Where was that picture taken? That looks like a dream cove.

Lake Ray Roberts ( 45 minutes north of Dallas, TX). That being said it is very very popular place and the picture was taken around 3pm on a weekday. By 4 pm 2 other boats showed with their beefed up stereo system and made the tranquility go away in bit.
That calendar looks familiar. Got one hanging in my basement. The one in my office probably looks like yours - unless someone's gone in there and thrown all my stuff out..... ;)

We're supposed to be "prepared to go back" mid-January. We'll see....
That calendar looks familiar. Got one hanging in my basement. The one in my office probably looks like yours - unless someone's gone in there and thrown all my stuff out..... ;)

We're supposed to be "prepared to go back" mid-January. We'll see....

I wish we weren't coming back until January, I would be working out of our mountain townhouse and would be skiing everyday.
Heading North tomorrow to shut down Mom's cottage. Finished her Christmas nutcracker yesterday:


Gonna give it to her tomorrow when I get there so she has it for the Christmas decorating season.

One down, two to go. (Mother-In-Law and, of course, the Wife are each getting one.)
Foggy morning at the trap field, no distractions in the back ground

Started stripping down the Beneteau today. We haul her out next week for the Winter. It has been a good albeit short boating season. The marina is emptying out. Boating vicariously soon.

Sustained wind, higher gusts.

What did you buy? A friend just picked up a new Yamaha quad. It looks like something Batman would own. I think it has a version of the tr1 (r1?). Needless to say, he says it is crazy fast. I think there is even a “launch mode”. He was spending more time in the air than on the ground!
Did my Conceal Carry Handgun class today got 100 on my written test and was the only one to get a 40 at the range.
This was the first time i fired my M&P Sheild ez9. And only the 4th time firing a Semiautomatic pistol.
With the stress of the instructors yelling the firing count and seconds to do it in on top of one handed shooting with each hand. I think i did pretty good
Did my Conceal Carry Handgun class today got 100 on my written test and was the only one to get a 40 at the range.
This was the first time i fired my M&P Sheild ez9. And only the 4th time firing a Semiautomatic pistol.
With the stress of the instructors yelling the firing count and seconds to do it in on top of one handed shooting with each hand. I think i did pretty good
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I don't think he's getting back up from any of those... ?
Getting to know the drone..


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A couple of shots of tonight's sunset from the deck.


Did my Conceal Carry Handgun class today got 100 on my written test and was the only one to get a 40 at the range.
This was the first time i fired my M&P Sheild ez9. And only the 4th time firing a Semiautomatic pistol.
With the stress of the instructors yelling the firing count and seconds to do it in on top of one handed shooting with each hand. I think i did pretty good
View attachment 135106
I have a shield 9 for my CCW as well. Love it!
This guy had a pretty intense encounter with a cougar (the animal, not a BYU student) in a nearby canyon. ??
Watched this last night. Apparently the student got too close to the cougar's 4 cubs and she was protecting them. This guy is soooo lucky and was able to keep his wits and not run (can't out run a cougar). Eventually, he threw a rock at it and she ran off. When the cougar went into an attack and defend stance, this would have scared the sh!t out of me. Damn; one very lucky guy. He almost became dinner.
A Vermont traffic jam...no they are not my girls.

Watched this last night. Apparently the student got too close to the cougar's 4 cubs and she was protecting them. This guy is soooo lucky and was able to keep his wits and not run (can't out run a cougar). Eventually, he threw a rock at it and she ran off. When the cougar went into an attack and defend stance, this would have scared the sh!t out of me. Damn; one very lucky guy. He almost became dinner.

This is why you always hike with a friend (preferably Betik :) ) that way you don't have to out run the cougar ( or bear ) you just have to out run your friend,
