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Beautiful day in Texas!


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But tonight we are all tacked away including 2019 CRV with less than 2,000 on it.

@Ronnie I build a crate for my ski , 3 years ago. It never really worked well. It has to be level with the trailer to make it easy to load and unload. However 2 years ago we build a winch and for the winter we store it above our car.


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This catamaran belongs to a friend of ours. He decided to pull his boat early this year because all he could get to go out in this weather was a skeleton crew...tis the season, Happy Halloween.

I was at a shopping mall for the first time in months last weekend and spotted a few tee shirts that at least have the parent members here may related to. Thank God I only have one child, a male.
Son & I just made pico with fresh maters & peppers out of the garden. Probably have enough picked for 1 more time after this bowl is polished off.


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As if teaching the little one to learn to drive wasn't enough now the big one decided she wants to drive the dually, i had given up on the idea as she had rejected it for the last year,
Happy but nervous !

As if teaching the little one to learn to drive wasn't enough now the big one decided she wants to drive the dually, i had given up on the idea as she had rejected it for the last year,
Happy but nervous !

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She realized that her younger sister would soon be occupying a car and needed to step up the game to ensure she had wheels!
As if teaching the little one to learn to drive wasn't enough now the big one decided she wants to drive the dually, i had given up on the idea as she had rejected it for the last year,
Happy but nervous !

We are going through the same thing. Older kid wants to learn how to drive the Expedition and back it up, and she could help while towing the boat next summer when we go to the lake. Translation........... "Would it be ok if my friends and I take the boat out today?"
@Scottintexas and @HangOutdoors , I went through the same thing a few years ago with my son. It was tense at times (Especially when teaching him to drive a stick) but in retrospect I’m so glad my kid has his license. He can and does tow the waverunners to and from the water with and without me. More importantly, my wife and I don’t have to drive him around anymore and have found him to be a great errand runner/Ronnie eats driver.