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Hanging out by the firepit tonight
Cleaning out what was previously our lambing barn. It has been sitting unpurposed since we sold most of our herd, years ago. Getting ready to pull the old double layer of wht./clr. plastic off and put on two layers of clear so we can repurpose it to grow and extend the season of fruits and vegs. next year. The Harnois solar barn is 30'x100' and will need a lot of work before we plant in the Spring.


Since we are in the Halloween season/spirit...let me introduce you to one of our old rams. He was a one-eyed Black Icelandic Ram, lost the eye in a fight, with a nice set of horns. I named him Black Jack. He has been on the shelf, keeping an eye on the place, since shortly after his death 10 years ago.

On the hard at the shipyard today. Took off the mainsail. Winterized the hot and cold water system, the head and the bilge pumps and lines. Took off the Navpod with instruments. Also measured for the wooden cover frame and the covers. You can see one of the LCT ferries, Plattsburg, in drydock aft of us.
Seems to be a run on antifreeze this year. Scored some at the 5th store we visited today.

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Arthur Kill strait, my new home waters.

Passed this guy on her port side; assumed she was the stand-on vessel.

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I hate using four letter swear words here, but we had a dusting of SNOW last night. Please don't report me to Admin. for using such words.

I hate using four letter swear words here, but we had a dusting of SNOW last night. Please don't report me to Admin. for using such words.

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Those 4-letter words gave us a little "salting" the Sunday night. Here in SE WI you could see easily count individual flakes on the deck the next morning - so nothing much - but we know it's coming.

Back home in the U.P. is a different story of course. Here's a live-shot of a webcam in Calumet:

Different parts of the Keweenaw have seen between 5" and 20" of snow so far. Most of that has melted of course (some barely hit the ground), but "The Keeper" - as my Dad used to call - it is due in the next few weeks. ("The Keeper" in my Dad's parlance was the snowfall that begins the constant accumulation of snow through at least mid-March. Once you've had "The Keeper" you don't see bare ground again until April-May timeframe.)
We saw this Bald Eagle perched 200' from our boat at the edge of the Lake today. We were out there putting a Winter cover on.


And a rainbow...

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Pretty sure he drove. There was a convoy of black cars there waiting on him. The stadium is minutes away.
Put the Zodiac 330 Aluminum RIB away for the Winter, with all our other "stuff" in the heated garage yesterday.



I bought (3) of these from Harbor Freight Gambrel and Pulley Hoist I am not hanging deer, so I am not using the supplied spreaders.
I thought $15.99 ea was a good deal.

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Our climate controlled garage came in handy tonight. Think the kids are missing boating already. I guess we might have a few boat camping the garage before April comes around lol


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First hard freeze of the Season here. A bit frosty this morning. Dogs having fun and staying cleaner.


Up close, the crystals caught my eye.

From last night but still applies ;) landed my first chinook salmon! Female too! Fought like a tank! Had her on a single J hook spoon with 20lb mono. Was a slow and nerve racking fightF6F40D34-52BD-40DC-8F94-6E19B19FF86D.jpeg87799339-DBB5-4687-A8BD-F1BBC58FBF66.jpeg
The off season in the North Country means decommissioning our boat(s) over Winter. Removing most stuff on the boat. No vacancy at zippers house. All of our rooms are full of boat stuff. The spare beds, yes there are beds under all that, are taken until Spring.



Even the dining room table is busy.
