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Got caught behind this guy on the way to the gunsmith (who can also repair your outboard engine)
Since when did the luggable loo (a toilet seat and bucket) cost $100? Since Covid hit or is this the Normal price?

Since when did the luggable loo (a toilet seat and bucket) cost $100? Since Covid hit or is this the Normal price?

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IF that's real, that's rude. Any bucket will do. Check some different stores. In Canada I found a big price difference between store chains. Camping stores were reasonable, Hardware stores were rude (if memory serves)
Played in the company golf scramble on Saturday. Team finished 7 under despite my best efforts to bogey every single damn hole. I think I only lost about .4 balls/hole which is a HUGE improvement over last year where I lost 1.3 balls per hole. Change where I setup the ball in my swing, and went to an overly strong grip and my slice is MOSTLY gone. Won't lie, there was some beer drinking, cigar smoking, and golf cart racing going on that didn't really help my focus. I at least looked the part!

Amazing level of detail and skill this person has!

I can't imagine the patience needed to make the filming of that, much less the actual construction and attention to detail in that model. Significant levels of work there.

With all that said, I don't like what he did to the style on the bike. That cafe racer look just doesn't do it for me. But, again, WOW so much craftsmanship there.
Naples drivers! These MF’ers would flip a tank if given a chance!! Perhaps they should have purchased the Flying Spur instead of the lowly Continental. :)

Naples drivers! These MF’ers would flip a tank if given a chance!! Perhaps they should have purchased the Flying Spur instead of the lowly Continental. :)

View attachment 164783
Florida in general, this was right down the street from me yesterday. She hit the pole, snapped it, took out power to 2,700 customers, was ejected from the car and was stranded between the lines. The first responders had to wait for FPL to cut the power to get to her. Hope she’s ok, but this was in a 40 mph zone ??B29BCE40-6CD4-470D-A6E1-6FD258B7C5BD.jpeg