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Hate to say it, but they won't remember any of it! You're a good Dad for doing it, and you will remember it! We were out with our kids Saturday night, dinner, then a bar in downtown Denton. They are 21 and 22. I asked them if they remember going to Sixflags in the summer when we would get season passes every year. We would hit Chic fil a or something on the way to Arlington and get to Sixflags in the early evening and just ride all the rides like crazy because there was never any lines mid week. They both just looked at me and Mom and said. Nope, not really. I just hung my head. They were probably 7-10 or 11 year age back then.
Yea, it's already happening. We took the new 10yr old to Disney and Cocoa Beach when he was 4. Wife was super adamant that we HAD to go. He doesn't remember anything except the beach. We've been back to a beach a few times since and that's all he wants to do, go play in the surf.

At least it made this years vacation planning pretty easy. Just had to gather enough gear for me to sit in the shade 1/2 the time and drink beer, and let him play all day in the water.

I'm pretty certain they won't remember specifics about the boat, or the details of individual trips, or even who was with us, or where we went. I'm really hoping they just spend enough time on the water that we'll here a "I remember we used to ALWAYS be on a boat in the summer", and "Man those seemed like really good times". If just the big picture stuff sticks, that'll be enough to call it a win and make it worth all the 6 billion details it takes to make it happen.
Well it looks like the FB group my wife started a few years ago and is admin. of, just let in a new member. Certainly got my attention. This is the profile page. Name deleted. It is the Beneteau First "S" series group.

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The video from today makes me wonder what's next. That is a cute pussy cat.

I mean, I get why that caught your attention. Finding high quality towels like that isn't as easy as it used to be :D

Also.....can't see the video, gotta be a member :(
I mean, I get why that caught your attention. Finding high quality towels like that isn't as easy as it used to be :D

Also.....can't see the video, gotta be a member :(

Well that was a waste of time. I tried. I did change the link, try it again.
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A couple of balloons out on a foliage flight above the valley this morning. Colors are just starting.



Horsing around on the dog run.



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At home after Orthoscopic surgery to repair torn meniscus. Now I’m just enjoying the drugs. Think it’s time for me to hang up the stripes and quit football officiating. Second torn meniscus in as many years. Sucks.

Our builder builds nice homes, but not very quickly. It's been seven long weeks since the footers were poured for our new house, so my wife and I drove down to check out the build progress.

Wood got delivered a few days ago, and framing is suppose to start tomorrow.

I will be getting a nice size garage, 24' x 28'. Checked it out today, but is seemed tiny. LOL, I had to break out the tape to make sure it was the right size. :D

ready to frame.jpg

At home after Orthoscopic surgery to repair torn meniscus. Now I’m just enjoying the drugs. Think it’s time for me to hang up the stripes and quit football officiating. Second torn meniscus in as many years. Sucks.

View attachment 164507
Oh man. That’s a bummer. Hope you recover quickly.
Our builder builds nice homes, but not very quickly. It's been seven long weeks since the footers were poured for our new house, so my wife and I drove down to check out the build progress.

Wood got delivered a few days ago, and framing is suppose to start tomorrow.

I will be getting a nice size garage, 24' x 28'. Checked it out today, but is seemed tiny. LOL, I had to break out the tape to make sure it was the right size. :D

View attachment 164515

It is crazy how all the dimensions seem until they start framing. I thought the same thing at our previous house. Once completed the size seems to grow.
It is crazy how all the dimensions seem until they start framing. I thought the same thing at our previous house. Once completed the size seems to grow.

It really is crazy. The townhouse that we previously rented had a 20' x 19' garage., for a total of 380 square feet. The new homes garage will be 24' x 28', a total of 672 square feet, yet standing in the garage between the partial walls it seemed about the same size!

At Cleetus and cars Houston with my boy. Getting ready for some drag racing.
Upgrading our 3mbs bonded internet service as well as the dish tv service to 200mbs internet with cable. 200' of underground cable from the pole to the house.
