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Before & After, one last wedding, and this one is way swankier and... more chiefs than Indians at times. Luckily, I don't have to answer to any of them, and can do my own thing, and help when I choose to do so


We went to a friend's 60th birthday party last night. Instead of a campfire or bonfire he made a cord wood rocket stove to toast the marshmallows and warm up the night air. It was basically two hollowed out round pieces of ash stacked one on top of the other with the bottom round sitting on 6 spaced out bricks to allow air flow from the bottom. It worked well. Excuse the nighttime photos.



Then he added some color pyrotechnics to the fire with copper tubing stuffed with an old piece of rubber garden hose.



Fun night visiting with old friends and making some new ones up in the Boonies.
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The view from our Disney animal kingdom room
Spent the afternoon in Santa Cruz.
The sign above could be replaced with one that says, “if it sounds like fun it’s prohibited” or “FUN” in a circle with a line through it ?
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A little bit of our sail today. Not much wind, but it did shift from NW to S halfway thru the day and then diminish to 1kt. Poseidon's brothers of the 4 winds messing with us.

And the sunset on the deck from the house.


A couple trees need to come down.
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We pulled the yamaha out of the lake today for her bi-monthly service and cleaning.

With my luck, whenever I tow these days - I go prepared.
So, I think of everything I may need, and then double up, lol, it's like a gypsy wagon.
View attachment 161978

Today, it all went without a hitch.

We had some fun on the lake, visited with some new CG Auxiliary friends.
As it is starting to cool off, we will be able to actually do some water sport, and wake surf. The lake has been just too busy.
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Yamaha is back home, will need some attention.
View attachment 161981

Will those ramps work to change a flat? I have considered using them but not sure if the leafs will hang down to far. Thanks!
Took the boys and the dog to the last drive in movie of the season. I slept through Paw Patrol, but they had a good time. Place was packed, but they were allowing "walk-ins" if you parked next door. So we carried 4 camp chairs, 4 blankets, a cooler, then walked with the 3yr old and the dog ~1/4mi from the parking lot to the ticket stand to our spot.

Parked at the red dot, walked with ALL of the things to the blue dot.

Finally got settled just at dusk and was ready for the movie. 3yr old doesn't like camera's, don't take it personally :D


View of the screen from my chair. They show Looney Tunes for ~10-12min instead of previews here. Pretty cool for the "kids screen".
@swatski talk you into that, or the other way around? I know you park ridiculously close to the side of your house, so this seems like great mod to the truck.
In retrospect, this is the fifth front hitch I’ve installed over the last 10 years or so, hopefully it’s the last.
Hate to say it, but they won't remember any of it! You're a good Dad for doing it, and you will remember it! We were out with our kids Saturday night, dinner, then a bar in downtown Denton. They are 21 and 22. I asked them if they remember going to Sixflags in the summer when we would get season passes every year. We would hit Chic fil a or something on the way to Arlington and get to Sixflags in the early evening and just ride all the rides like crazy because there was never any lines mid week. They both just looked at me and Mom and said. Nope, not really. I just hung my head. They were probably 7-10 or 11 year age back then.
Well it looks like the FB group my wife started a few years ago and is admin. of, just let in a new member. Certainly got my attention. This is the profile page. Name deleted. It is the Beneteau First "S" series group.

The video from today makes me wonder what's next. That is a cute pussy cat.

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