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Will those ramps work to change a flat? I have considered using them but not sure if the leafs will hang down to far. Thanks!We pulled the yamaha out of the lake today for her bi-monthly service and cleaning.
With my luck, whenever I tow these days - I go prepared.
So, I think of everything I may need, and then double up, lol, it's like a gypsy wagon.
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Today, it all went without a hitch.
We had some fun on the lake, visited with some new CG Auxiliary friends.
As it is starting to cool off, we will be able to actually do some water sport, and wake surf. The lake has been just too busy.
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Yamaha is back home, will need some attention.
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@swatski talk you into that, or the other way around? I know you park ridiculously close to the side of your house, so this seems like great mod to the truck.Pre and post front hitch installation on my new to me tow vehicle (2012 Ford Expedition).
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In retrospect, this is the fifth front hitch I’ve installed over the last 10 years or so, hopefully it’s the last.@swatski talk you into that, or the other way around? I know you park ridiculously close to the side of your house, so this seems like great mod to the truck.