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Smoke on the water...


And fire in the sky...


A thick layer of fog over the lake at sunrise this morning took til 2pm to burn off.
Meanwhile, up on the farm.

Fall at Marina Gelinas, St-Jean des Piles, Shawinigan Quebec. This is where I spend my summer, super nice river, (Riviere St-Maurice) slow 5 knot current, some sandy beaches and sand bars . Many boats are now out and winterized, including mine . There are 45 slips , it's a residence with an acquired right to have a Private Marina, we call it an Halt Nautique. They have a waiting list to get a slip, very nice environment. I was the Realtor who represented the seller and current buyer/owner, I couldn't convince my wife to buy it at the time it was listed for sale. Residence.jpgMarina areial.jpgMarina areial.jpgOctober Morning Marina Gelinas.jpgMarina Gelinas October  1.jpg
The sun setting on our 2021 season of "dinner on the boat with friends". Just a few days left to take in the views from the marina.


Put some "Peel and Stick" backsplash on, and new under cabinet LEDs. It's not great, but it's better than the old flat paint that was there and was under $100 and 4hrs for everything.



Don't tell my wife. She's away on a girl's weekend and won't be home until Monday!
Saturday with the wife…. And some football
Why anyone needs a house that big is beyond me.

I agree, don’t we all basically eat in the same room, relax in one room, have our favorite chair/couch, sleep in the same bed every night. But then again, I am glad that they spent the money and employed hundreds of skilled people for at least a year if not longer.
Why anyone needs a house that big is beyond me.
It is a very safe investment for people with money laying around.
Took our last ride of the season yesterday (Lake Minnetonka, MN) and got a few pics of the new houses that went up on the lake this year.
They just keep getting bigger and bigger...

View attachment 165016
View attachment 165017
I think those qualify as mansions. There is nothing like that in or around the city I live in in the SF Bay Area but if there was I’d expect the asking price to be over $5m. With annual property tax of 1% the owner would have to come up with at least $50k every year, more as the value appreciates per the county’s assessments.
Why anyone needs a house that big is beyond me.
That area has a large amount of new money, no one knows you have it if you don’t flaunt it.
I think those qualify as mansions. There is nothing like that in or around the city I live in in the SF Bay Area but if there was I’d expect the asking price to be over $5m. With annual property tax of 1% the owner would have to come up with at least $50k every year, more as the value appreciates per the county’s assessments.
Here is a pretty detailed description of the property in the second photo I posted showing what was there before the new mansion was constructed. Amazing what was torn down to construct what is there now.
Former Site of Lake Minnetonka's c.1918 Pillsbury Mansion Under Construction (PHOTOS) - Pricey Pads
Here is a pretty detailed description of the property in the second photo I posted showing what was there before the new mansion was constructed. Amazing what was torn down to construct what is there now.
Former Site of Lake Minnetonka's c.1918 Pillsbury Mansion Under Construction (PHOTOS) - Pricey Pads

That's a dang shame. You hear about the Historic Registry or some such (a local establishment was saved from eminent domain via such efforts), I wonder if that could have been saved in a similar way. Seemed to have a lot of awesome character and craftsmanship, although nothing seems to be mentioned about issues with the old place.
Not my boat but great day on the water in Ohio in October!