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I used to ski behind one in 86-90 on Lake Hartwell. Great slalom boat. Horrible ride in water that is anything other that a light chop!!
Tonight at the boat. The sun sets sooooo early now.


The dogs last outing this year.


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Forgot to post this from over the weekend, this is the woman's grandmother's boat. Grandpa passed away earlier this year, and grandma needed to have the boat winterized, so my neighbor's son volunteered to help his fiance out with this task. He was in awe of my cleanout ports after asking me how I deal with the weeds in the creek (he overheated last weekend and had a great time struggling with removal).

What’s under that red tarp across the street!!??
Looks like a Porsche in front and a M3 BMW 2 seater in the rear ?

I had the same boat, my first jet boat (mine was a 1997, white with green highlights. Euroline Cyclone, the company only made one other model, the hurricane. The cyclone was 15..5 or 16 feet long powered by a 175hp Mercury sport jet mated to a mercury pump. As I recall it weighed less than 1,000 pounds dry, no clean out ports, just different intake grates for different marine environments. Only had 3 forward facing seats but was a blast to drive, like a jet ski with a bench seat. Thanks for posting brought back a lot of old but good memories.
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Part of the cost of boat ownership. Not the fun part.

also a few Waverunners at the power sports store. All with NA 1.8 liter engines, except the green one in the back ground .
Our last sail of the season. We had the Lake to ourselves. A beautiful 72° day. The video clip is what it looks like at 6.75kts in 11kts wind.

And a beautiful sunset from home after.

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Property behind the house got sold. New owners are clearing a homesite back in the woods as best we can tell. Brought in some wood harvesting equipment. Neighbor said they took 6 truck loads of timber out of there yesterday. Boys are on fall break this week and have been sitting on the back deck watching them work. Gotta admit, I'm a little jealous of them :D

Property behind the house got sold. New owners are clearing a homesite back in the woods as best we can tell. Brought in some wood harvesting equipment. Neighbor said they took 6 truck loads of timber out of there yesterday. Boys are on fall break this week and have been sitting on the back deck watching them work. Gotta admit, I'm a little jealous of them :D

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hopefully they don't shut down your kids' motocross access..

is their property access on the right side of pic? meaning off of your street? or they're just staging equip there?
hopefully they don't shut down your kids' motocross access..

is their property access on the right side of pic? meaning off of your street? or they're just staging equip there?
I'm unsure where the access will be to be honest. I think the boys will still have a good portion of the field to play in at this point. Hard to say though. We knew development would eventually come to that land at some point. We're in a really desirable county with top rated schools that is still pretty close to downtown Louisville. Home and Land prices have grown significantly since we moved in. Bought at $209k in '15, have done little to nothing to the house since we bought it, and it appraised at $294k a few months ago. 40% increase in value in ~6yrs time. Neighbors sold their house in May and it went in less than 6hrs for $10k over ask with zero conditions or inspections on a cash offer. The market is just nuts in this area right now.

Here's what the plot layouts looked like not to long ago. I'm unsure what has been bought/sold at this point. Red circle is where the machines are. Blue circle is my best guess at where the clearing is. There is a TINY sliver of access (black arrow) on the end street that leads to a piece of property. These guys have been doing work on a pole barn and have been putting in what looks like the beginning of a driveway there. I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of the same group of people doing all the work.

Hibiscus is in full bloom!!20211007_235850.jpg
is this a pool cleaner's ride? hauling chlorine all day.
how old? just guessing that's a early 2000's ford truck?
is this a pool cleaner's ride? hauling chlorine all day.
how old? just guessing that's a early 2000's ford truck?
2000 F250 municipal truck. Enough debris under the liner to fill two 5 gallon buckets.