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Broke my shovel, went to buy a new one and came home with this contraption.



Has a 57V 4ah battery and a BLDC motor in the power head. Figured even if the snow shovel attachment thing ends up not working well, at least I've got a start on rebuilding the outdoor power tool chest.

I've only got ~150sqft to clear. The back patio below for the dog, and a small curved walk out front. I'm sure it won't clear like a dedicated blower, but it's a lot easier to carry around the house to get out back.

Took about 10min to clean the back patio like this, and make a clear path out front. Snows been sitting there since Wednesday, and I expect fresh snow will process even easier. We have about 6-8 coming in this week depending on who you listen too.

This is about 16in deep 4+day old snow.

mortar mix...jfc

You'd be surprised at the people who would do this. Had a buddy doing some drywall work on a rental, and wanted to get it listed quickly. Used some 90-minute mud or something like that, and cleaned up his bucket and tools in the tub.

For those that don't know, that stuff is a chemical cure, and not air cured, so it'll set up even under water, like the pipes of a tub, for instance 🤣🤣

His drywall job was done quite quickly, but he had to put off the listing due to some unforeseen plumbing issues that arose 😜
Broke my shovel, went to buy a new one and came home with this contraption.

View attachment 230861

View attachment 230862

Has a 57V 4ah battery and a BLDC motor in the power head. Figured even if the snow shovel attachment thing ends up not working well, at least I've got a start on rebuilding the outdoor power tool chest.

I've only got ~150sqft to clear. The back patio below for the dog, and a small curved walk out front. I'm sure it won't clear like a dedicated blower, but it's a lot easier to carry around the house to get out back.

Took about 10min to clean the back patio like this, and make a clear path out front. Snows been sitting there since Wednesday, and I expect fresh snow will process even easier. We have about 6-8 coming in this week depending on who you listen too.

This is about 16in deep 4+day old snow.

View attachment 230863

Was looking at a corded version of one of those last year at the request of the wife so she could clear off the sidewalk that leads to the city sidewalk, but those things sold out by the time she surprised me with that request.

How did it work? I've got a 20" wide walk by 25' long. Base it on your wife, would she find it manageable, or should I skip the idea and stick with light easy flat shovels?
So my oldest daughter decided she wanted to graduate high school this year. She opted to do FVLS (Florida virtual learning school) online at home. She started the school year as a sophomore and is now into her senior year, completing an entire school year in just a few months. Next she surprised us with wanting to join the Air Force and took the ASVAB test, Thursday she should get the results. She needed some photos for graduation so we dressed up in uniform, her in her high school JROTC uniform and me in my Coast Guard Auxiliary uniform.
@Thermobrett Is not being 17 years old yet going to be a "non starter" for her? I am assuming she is of sophomore age.
@Thermobrett Is not being 17 years old yet going to be a "non starter" for her? I am assuming she is of sophomore age.
That’s correct. The recruiter said she can take the ASVAB test as many times as she needs to so she can score the highest amount prior to enlisting age. Once she reaches the age to apply, her score will stay in good standings. As of now, she will complete high school in May, then find a full time job until the time comes.
My next door neighbor went out of town for a week. We had some chilly nights so he left a heat lamp on one of his outdoor plants. Something happened and it caused a fire. It just burned the fence between us and a few other things. This is video captured by his cameras.
The neighbor on the other side prolly shot it with his pallet gun.