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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

A fake owl also works ;)

I think those little bastards in my area need to have it switched up. My neighbor has one under the canopy of his boat lift, and last year, one of them made a nest between the owl and the side of the canopy!

I have swan decoys out in the yard to ward off the geese from coming up on shore and crapping all over the yard too. All the work to keep the birds away from things...next item to worry about, what do you use to keep unwanted humans away? ?
I think those little bastards in my area need to have it switched up. My neighbor has one under the canopy of his boat lift, and last year, one of them made a nest between the owl and the side of the canopy!

I have swan decoys out in the yard to ward off the geese from coming up on shore and crapping all over the yard too. All the work to keep the birds away from things...next item to worry about, what do you use to keep unwanted humans away? ?

Just happens to be on sale today:
Someone around here bought a Ryobi ONE inflator (maybe @WiskyDan ?) that had the switchable hose things. I already had this, AFAIK they didn't have the Ryobi at that time. I use the poly tubing for easy deflation. Cut about a foot or two of tubing sized for the nozzle and put it in to hold the stupid flap open and allow the air to escape easily. Just make sure you don't shove it inside the item, that's why I say AT LEAST a foot, makes it harder to lose! LOL

The wife got a small plastic Sterilite container to hold everything in one place, the Ryobi may just fit inside there too!
Which guide poles are these?
I installed the 60" CE Smith guides. The pads are just something the wife found online

Installed seadek, a sub, and a rear table for my AR192. Well not today, but over the past week.


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Caught some nice weather last weekend so busted out a couple things on the list. Changed plugs. Was too cool to do the oil so ill be doing that tonite now that its 75+. Removed old stereo and my jerry rigged satellite radio. Cut off pigtail and wired up to new Stereo Pigtail and installed new stereo with SiriusXM support(imagine that) Replaced all 4 speakers. Installed wireless remote for the wifes preferred lounging area. (only controls front speakers). I still need to install the Amp and mount the 2 new speakers behind the transom seats so we have Zone 3 aimed just for floatin!! That and a few other things still on the list for this year but slowly checkin them off.

IMG_0913.jpg(Piece of shite)
IMG_0056.jpeg(Old Jerry Rigged Setup
IMG_0916.jpg(New Stereo in old spot. FYI Rotozipping carbon fiber is messy as hell!!!)
IMG_0915.jpg(Much cleaner under there now)
IMG_0909.jpg(Out with the old, in with the new)
Front Speakers and Remote.jpg(Visible Left side above handle. Now Co-Captain can control her own speakers!!)
Got tired of sub-optimal fender placement last summer... I couldn't get the self sealing Phender Pro quick release cleats you see on fancy wake boats but I did find some atwood cleats on clearance for $35 each. They are nearly identical to OEM.

Purchased some 1/8" aluminum bar at home depot, doubled up for strength and went to town drilling 1" holes abeam the windshield. Excuse the dirty boat... needs a good rinse. Some of that gelcoat dust is from installing the bow cover yesterday.
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Installed new thrust vectors and lateral thrusters. Can’t wait to check out the difference.


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Got tired of sub-optimal fender placement last summer... I couldn't get the self sealing Phender Pro quick release cleats you see on fancy wake boats but I did find some atwood cleats on clearance for $35 each. They are nearly identical to OEM.

Purchased some 1/8" aluminum bar at home depot, doubled up for strength and went to town drilling 1" holes abeam the windshield. Excuse the dirty boat... needs a good rinse. Some of that gelcoat dust is from installing the bow cover yesterday.
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Thanks for the post..I bought same cleats a year ago, just been putting off the drilling of the large holes. Can't stand the position of the factory cleats and didn't want to go with the little fender hangers. The aluminum will make me feel better to strengthen the fiberglass its so thin. I put the aluminum back there when I redid the pissers.
The list is getting shorter.

Installed Cobra Jet steering.
Put on registration letters.
Removed almost all warning labels.
Installed porta potty.
Fixed a backwards ski locker latch.
Loaded boat with life jackets and all preownership purchases we made.
Installed anchor, chain, and rope
Cleaned all the seadeck.

Not bad for day #2 of ownership. Ha. Now to make a new list..


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Installed my lights finally. Went with the SeaBlaze Mini. Also replaced the OEM courtesy lights with some blue LED. The video makes the lights seem purple, but they’re deep blue and look great!

While I was at it I sealed the rear inspection hatch and no more water issues in the bilge (finally)!

2021 212SE Underwater Lights

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Looks great. I actually have a couple mini’s to install myself. Did you install them yourself? If so do you mind sharing how you wired them and was able to get out to the location with the wire?
Today we moved our batteries 90 degrees and re-mounted them. Installed the Noco Genius 5x2. Bought some clear waterproof ammo boxes feom Cabela's and fit them in the battery compartment. Finally we took battery boxes and customized the lids to fit over the batteries and all the wires so we do accidentally shock ourselves.

Seems like a ton of wires in there with no way to really hide them. Cleaned it up the best we could.
Installed a transom remote today on our 195, added retractable boat buckles and mounted my sub control knob in the switch panel. Was a good day on the boat even out of the water.


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Finally got time to change spark plugs, oil and install cobra steering locks on the plugs. The locks were a bonus that i somehow missed when I bought the boat last year. The previous owner bought them but never installed them. Plugs have 87 hours on them and looked pretty good but the gaping was as low as .030“ and as high as .039”. New spark plugs I gapped port engine at .033 And starboard at .034. Why? because I can. ?

Happy with the extractor I bought and was able to pull out just over 2.5 gallons from the pair. Everything I have read said 3.6-4qts was about all you can get out from the dipstick tube. Manual says total of 5.3qts per motor so I got a lot more than I expected, another bonus!

Forgot to take a picture of the plug locks before putting the cover back on so I guess it didn’t happen.

Here are the plugs and the oil extractor...
Cobra Jet Super Ultimate AK-19 installed on my AR-190. Took me about an hour and half. I know that’s a long time. I got set up and I thought what WTF did I get myself into. I found Jeff’s video on YouTube, with that video and the written instructions that come with the kit I had a successful result.2E4C1451-B78B-4BD8-AFDA-05ED0516F9E5.jpeg613D18F0-2A5B-4302-AE44-2F4B0F78C056.jpeg9F89D878-CBB3-4194-AC8F-A1531825F5E3.jpegAA900EFE-7DA7-4C44-96E9-3E0FC841BC80.jpegFC71685C-A345-40C2-B94C-1D3497064F07.jpegAC933420-D893-4D01-B50B-5C65D32B29C3.jpeg I emailed Jeff a couple of times and he responded even on Easter Sunday. That’s great customer service.

Also some pics of my Stoltz roller. That’s always a question on this site.