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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

changed the oil today, sorry no pictures, nothing out of the ordinary except I included my 15 yr old daughter and now she's has a good idea how to do it!
I got it back from being washed and detailed. Looks better than it has in years hardly any visible "dock rash".

Also had two sets of rusting bearings replaced and all of them packed / repacked.

Added a spring to the glove box (actually just reused the one from the anchor locker).

added a decal to my boat.

Put the new spare tire covers on.

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@Ronnie - don't think that's what you did today, but I love the batman logo.

I added the CJS Viper system last night, and the JBP console organizer/premium mooring cover today.



@Ronnie - don't think that's what you did today, but I love the batman logo.

I added the CJS Viper system last night, and the JBP console organizer/premium mooring cover today.

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Looking good! Can't wait to hear what you think of the CJS Viper system. I am most interested to hear if it will help around docking with wind.. These little things are tail happy. I have rudder but it could always be more stable. Matches the Porsche pretty darn good! Side note. My wife's brother has a place on Badin Lake is your lake close by? We plan on hitting his place up a lot this summer.He says the lake is nice there.
Badin is seemingly walking distance from our lakehouse @Shannon ! It'd be awesome to see you guys again! I posted a review of the Viper in the FSH forum. Long story short - get it!
Badin is seemingly walking distance from our lakehouse @Shannon ! It'd be awesome to see you guys again! I posted a review of the Viper in the FSH forum. Long story short - get it!
Awesome and sounds good! I will hit you up when we go down there.
I cut six (6) effing 5" holes for additional cockpit speakers and installed all DB651s, I have 10 now - sounds freaking unreal. I'm so happy.
Here are the extras - mid-ship strdb side:


And swim deck:

Created a board to mount by new switch and amplifier rather than mounting directly to the plywood separating the engine compartment. Trying to go as clean and minimalist as possible is hard with the amount of wire back here now.

Will say though, the quality on the KnuKonceptz wire is incredible, both the speaker wire for the amplifier run to the head-unit and the power wire exceeded expectations.


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Swatski, Nice job on the hole cutting for the additional count- em 6 DB651's. Are you going to be adding an amp or do you have one in place already? Big fan of all your mods and skills.
1) I bought a thumb screw to use with my new rear view mirror that mounts on the top windshield frame. I came designed to use an Alan wrench which would have been too much trouble. I need to remove the mirror to put the cover on the boat for storage.

2) I bought one of these for the boat. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BINVXM6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's a magnetic mount with a super powerful magnet. I use one of these in my 4Runner for my smartphone. It's perfect for the boat too. I've always had trouble trying to figure out what to do with the smartphone. The 2006 SX210 doesn't offer much for things like sunglasses or phones.

I've done more for the boat this year than ever before.

Today I bought a new Standard Horizon HX870 VHF radio for the boat. I already have two VHF radios but this one has new features. One old VHF radio was always in my glove box on my Honda ski. It was splashed with salt water for about 300 hours. It still works but is pretty ugly with all of the salt water damage, it's heavy and is missing the new DSC feature. The second VHF radio (which I will now sell) is a nice little floating radio but missing a few features, and the battery life, which is supposed to be 8 hours is more like 2 1/2 hours. It turns out if you have a VHF radio on a boat you are required to have it on and monitor channel 16 all the time you're boating. I only learned that last year. That second VHF radio I have doesn't cut it.

The new radio has a GPS built in and will send an emergency radio message (DSC feature) giving Lat and Lon data. It also receives that data and can guide a driver to the scene of the caller of an emergency.

- Had the impellers refurbished which helped a great deal.

- Did the usual plugs, oil, oil filter, change.

- Bought a magnetic smartphone mount. I have one in each car and one by my PC. They are so easy to use and work well. There are cheap ones for $10-15 but this one is $37 because it has super strong magnets.

- Bought a new 3rd party waterproof boat cover. I have to buy one after two seasons as the sun and heat kills them.

- Bought a new Yamaha OEM form fitting mooring cover which should be my last as I only use this for trailering more than 50 miles which is very rare. Otherwise it will be stored in the garage. Sadly only black available for my blue boat.

- Bought a new rear view mirror that will attach to the top of the windshield frame.

- Bought the new Standard Horizon HX870 VHF radio which I will mount on a 12V charge base so it will always be charged.

- Bought this new towable to go with the one we have. This is a sit-down type that my seven-year-old will like. The other one you lay down on your tummy.

- Monday the boat goes to the shop for some gel coat repair ($1,300) for the whole blue part of the hull, and anchor locker hatch. Today I emptied the boat in preparation for going to the shop. Not necessary but at least if someone breaks into their building they won't have my stuff to steal. Also it's a good chance to clean the boat and it's contents. The amount of stuff, and weight, is something I'm going to have to examine before I put it all back into the boat.

- My wife and I are going to take inventory of the life jackets. I think there were 15 on board. A couple of them need to be tossed out. We have way too many for average adults, not enough for kids, and none for very large persons. Guests don't like to wear the universal cheap types either. So we will see if we can cut down the number and have a better distribution of sizes. Last year we took a lot of different folks on board.

- I'm also going to look at a lighter anchor. I have a 25# Richter that holds really well but it is a bit of a chore to haul up by hand, especially the last bit where it could damage the boat.

I can't wait for warm weather!
No pics as I sold my 232 Limited S today...

Never fear though as I'll pick up the new 242x in seven more weeks (but who's counting besides me).

I already have several mods lined up for it including:. Keel Guard, cobra fangs & venoms, wake wedge, head organizers, new mount for a folding box anchor, connext voltage fix, direct switch to the bilge pump so I can turn the batteries off at the lake but still have the bilge pump active, premium towing cover, wax, and several other things to help get all set up. That one weekend I have between purchase and first use will be a boat busy one for sure!
Might I suggest just adding a second bilge pump @Matt Phillips ? A little backup never hurt, and you could wire that one direct instead. Congrats in either case! Nice tow vehicle, btw ;)