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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

I replaced the anchor locker hatch spring with a gas strut and immediately started to wonder why I didn't do it years ago. Total time on task, about 10 minutes, money spent around 20. I love this mod. I also started preparing the boat for the coming season which includes removing and cleaning the head (ewwww, I know but it had to be done and my minion / son wasn't home at the time).

I washed it from taking it out yesterday. Does that count
Finally got around to finishing the installation of my rod/cup holders:

IMG_1045.JPG IMG_1046.JPG IMG_1047.JPG
I bought a set of quick connect cords with eyelets to hook up my battery charger for the Yamaha. I got them installed in about 10 mins and I turned on my house battery to listen to some tunes while I did a little "garage boating" with a cold one. I did a little cleaning and checked the oil in the engines so I could start them and run them a little. I went to flip the battery switch to my starting battery and the music stops. Well, that's not good! The power switch for the stereo was lite, but the head unit and amp were not. I flipped back to battery 2 and left the stereo off to start the engines and they both fired right up. I knew I had charged both batteries about a month ago and neither one took much to top off and that was after sitting for a few months basically untouched. There's obviously something wrong with the starting battery so I pulled it and took to O'Reillys to get checked. They had to change it to test it and it was discovered it wouldn't hold a charge. It was only eight years old! It was a Walmart Everstart Marine group 24. I replaced with the same thing so maybe I'll get another eight years out of it.
I replaced the anchor locker hatch spring with a gas strut and immediately started to wonder why I didn't do it years ago. Total time on task, about 10 minutes, money spent around 20. I love this mod.

I want to do this to my anchor locker as well. My only question is how did you screw the mount to the underside of the anchor locker door? The glass isn't very thick there and I was worried about going through the finished side. Did you use screws and some sort of epoxy or just some small screws and that was it?
IMG_2540.JPG Does this count? No water hose needed :)
@jpass , I just used the same screws that held the spring in place. The area that the strut attached to is not reinforced like the spring area is but the screws did not break through the top of the hatch.
After 11 years the 2006 SX210 has enough little scrapes on the side I decided to have it fixed to look like new. The rest of the boat still looks great.

This morning I took the boat to the gel coat specialist for an estimate. To fix up all of the little marks, do a larger job on the spider cracks near the bow caused by the anchor beating against the hull from inside (I no longer keep the anchor in the anchor locker), and a little cleanup on the hull where I hit a rock years ago they estimated $1,300 which I thought was pretty reasonable. Oh he's also going to touch up the anchor locker hatch which had been repaired before I bought the boat but they didn't color the patched area.

I'm going to empty the boat, even taking the battery out, before taking it to the shop in April for the appointment. The boat is normally fully loaded and ready for the lake. This will give me a chance to clean up all of the storage areas.
Looks very nice. Where did you get the rocker switch covers?
Installed new amp rackamp rack.jpg
No more line of sight IR remote woes with my M505!! Despite Clarion not listing the MF1 RF remote as being compatible with the M505, I did some digging and found a few guys on Amazon saying they got it to work. So I took the gamble and ordered one. Wired it up red to red and black to black along with DIN cable and sure enough this baby works with the M505!! No more messin' around with glove box open just so my old IR remote could see the radio!! You don't know how annoying and frustrating it is to have to deal with an IR remote to a hidden radio if you have a boat with the radio at the helm.

I made a video for those who may not be sure how to do it... https://jetboaters.net/threads/clarion-mf1-is-compatible-with-an-m505.12830/


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No more line of sight IR remote woes with my M505!! Despite Clarion not listing the MF1 RF remote as being compatible with the M505, I did some digging and found a few guys on Amazon saying they got it to work. So I took the gamble and ordered one. Wired it up red to red and black to black along with DIN cable and sure enough this baby works with the M505!! No more freakinrisi around with glove box open just so my old IR remote could see the radio!! Yay don't know how annoying and frustrating it is to have to deal with an IR remote to a hidden radio if you have a boat with the radio at the helm.
Can you post the amazon link for exactly what you purchased, I'm very interested.
Installed my new depth finder and air/water temp. No pictures cuz it's my birthday!