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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Actually, now that I see your repair, it occurs to me that might be a good thing to do all the way around the rub rail on the cover--add an extra layer of protection against tiny bumps to the cover... Hmmm...
Was a busy weekend. Sorry no pics, but got the following done:

  • Connext Voltage fix
  • Onboard Charger
  • DVSR re-wired for onboard charger/engine on only
  • KeelGuard Installed
  • Stoltz Bow Stop Installed
Took about 3 nights, but I got my new 8 inch kickers with built in LEDs mounted and a 1600 watt amp. Even though they aren't top of the line speakers, I'm really loving the sound of these Kickers. Plus they are mfg in Stillwater so I'm a little bias.

Did a little mod where I enlarged the 'drain hole' in the holder by the throttle, ran a 10ft cable to it, and added a rubber grommet. This way I don't have cables going everywhere while I'm driving down the lake.


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Spent most of the day cleaning and waxing my 2002 185 Seadoo Utopia. This boat has been really good to our family. It will be hard to see her go but it is time to upgrade. Can't wait to pick up our 2015 Yamaha 242 Limited S.


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@Drift Away if you need to talk about your addiction, we're here to help. ;)
@Drift Away if you need to talk about your addiction, we're here to help. ;)
Well the wife has me on a 12 step program call "spend any more money on the stereo and you and your new girl frind will enjoy it" think it might work
Today, Installed much needed speakers in the cockpit.20170428_113101.jpgI was asked if we really needed new speakers, this picture saved a lot of words.20170428_114420_003.jpg
Was a busy weekend. Sorry no pics, but got the following done:

  • Connext Voltage fix
  • Onboard Charger
  • DVSR re-wired for onboard charger/engine on only
  • KeelGuard Installed
  • Stoltz Bow Stop Installed
Digging the ole truck. My papa had a white one!:thumbsup:
Well the wife has me on a 12 step program call "spend any more money on the stereo and you and your new girl frind will enjoy it" think it might work

My wife said you should have bought a tower to put those awesome speakers on. :winkingthumbsup"
My wife said you should have bought a tower to put those awesome speakers on. :winkingthumbsup"
Well the mounts were $249 a d a wame board tower is $5000 poor Army guy over here
Don't get me wrong... she's not wealthy. Lol
Well the mounts were $249 a d a wame board tower is $5000 poor Army guy over here. Plus i would look like everyone else
but then i would look like everyone else
A few days ago, I decided the oxidized gelcoat needed restoration. To do it properly I removed the graphics from the orange section of the hull.20170415_141627.jpgAnd I was left with this.20170415_144558.jpg20170430_144907_001.jpgTried some heavy cut oxidation compound and it did not do much. Today, I used 1500 grit on the first pass and 2000 grit on the second wet sanding.20170430_102323.jpg I then used a few different Marine 31 products to buff and polish the hull. I like the results so far, need another coat of wax and to do the white sections.20170430_144923.jpg20170430_113638.jpg
Just waxed my baby!
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Cleaned out all my compartments. Then vacuumed and even cleaned the carpets. Cleaned the inside of the boat, including the water channels under the seat cushions. Almost looks new again.

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Well buffed the Yamaha then then dicided to buff the toons on little pontoon boatimage.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg
I needed to find a location for a through hull shore power plug. I think this worked out well.

Second photo is for what it looked like stock. Now just tonfind a plastic zipper and modify the mooring cover to have a zippered access there.


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Installes one new bat... ipdated maps on my plotter... pulled up fuel hatch.. and washed and waiting dor it to dry so i can wax the hull..
I needed to find a location for a through hull shore power plug. I think this worked out well.

Second photo is for what it looked like stock. Now just tonfind a plastic zipper and modify the mooring cover to have a zippered access there.
Great location, if you could find a similar sized Yamaha tuning fork logo decal, or fit removed emblem, it would be completely stealth. Nice work.