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Wakeboard Tower on 17' sugar sand. HELP


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Sugar Sand
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im considering putting a wakeboard rack on my 2004 sugar sand jet boat. I weigh 120 pounds and it would always only be me going. Is this a bad idea? It's the 175 v6.
Are there any other options to put on it. We tube already.


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I think what you mean is putting a wakeboard "tower" on the boat (a rack attaches to the tower for storing boards). There is no reason not to do this other than the cost. It would likely improve your resale value unles you like on a lake with really low bridges. Keep in mind it also limits your storage options or makes it a little tougher.
I think what you mean is putting a wakeboard "tower" on the boat (a rack attaches to the tower for storing boards). There is no reason not to do this other than the cost. It would likely improve your resale value unles you like on a lake with really low bridges. Keep in mind it also limits your storage options or makes it a little tougher.
Yes thank you. I meant tower. So there isn't an issue with the bow or anything? I've been told not to put a tower on because the boat is so light
Your boat will get pulled a little more due to the height of the tower. How much does your boat weigh now? My guess is 2000-2500lbs, the tower will weigh 150-200lbs (the weight of an adult), so the primary concern will be lateral pull. Pull from the stern (from a boarder) will only raise the bow some.
Many good reasons to add one if you will use it.

- great plus for getting air on a wakeboard.
- helps store water sport boards (skis, wakeboards, kneeboards) outside of the boat
- holds my bimini up and out of the way versus either resting on the rear cushion or held up by the bimini poles. when I attach it to the tower when not using it, it is completely out of the way and doesn't interfere with boarding from the back of the boat
- can add a tower light for added visibility
- looks great
- adds resale value for someone that wants a boat w/tower
- great for holding on to while boarding the boat
- great mount for a gopro

Downside to think about is storage (look for a folding tower), cost (?), and additional weight
If it seems to get pulled to the side hard when a boarder or skier goes off to the side, consider getting the older style cobra fins that do not flip up. That will keep the back end planted firmly in the water. I bet he has a set for a sugar sand.
If it seems to get pulled to the side hard when a boarder or skier goes off to the side, consider getting the older style cobra fins that do not flip up. That will keep the back end planted firmly in the water. I bet he has a set for a sugar sand.
The new style of cobra steering can be set to the down position all of the time.
I think it would be fine to add a tower. There are lots of "unviersal" towers that have adjustable width. You will want to add additional material inside the hull to spread the load at the tower connection points. This can be done with fiberglass work, metal plates or wood and epoxy.