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Wakesurf board


Jetboaters Captain
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Lake Lanier ga
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Good size for beginners behind yamaha. I've been close to going ropeless behind some wakeboats my 2 previous outtings.

Just ordered 2300lb of ballast for the boat.

My wife has gotten up briefly so want something she will be able to enjoy. Was thinking the 5.2 should it be little bigger?
Good size for beginners behind yamaha. I've been close to going ropeless behind some wakeboats my 2 previous outtings.

Just ordered 2300lb of ballast for the boat.

My wife has gotten up briefly so want something she will be able to enjoy. Was thinking the 5.2 should it be little bigger?
Are you asking "What type of board is good for beginners?" ... Sorry....not sure what you seek here...
Are you asking "What type of board is good for beginners?" ... Sorry....not sure what you seek here...
Wasn't sure if a certain style of size was better for people to learn on. I read some threads watched some videos and found my answers just couldn't find how to delete thread before you replied :/
I'm in this phase of looking for a starter wake surf board as well. Something that would be a good starter but would grow a bit with us as well. The board that has won the "most mention" so far on various sites and blogs in my queries is the Hyperlite Broadcast 5.4. My findings so far for what its worth.
There's a lot of opinions about which sort of board (this goes for wake, ski, surf, knee, etc) is best to learn on and for every person it's subjective. Someone who is really physically strong will probably learn faster on a wider and longer board whereas someone who is more physically weak will pop easier on a smaller board but won't be able to go ropeless as easily.
I'm in this phase of looking for a starter wake surf board as well. Something that would be a good starter but would grow a bit with us as well. The board that has won the "most mention" so far on various sites and blogs in my queries is the Hyperlite Broadcast 5.4. My findings so far for what its worth.

That looks like a pretty good design. Added plus to it is the price isn't too off-putting.
Found out my sisters friend from grade school is part owner in a Tige dealer/watersports store. Apparently she will let me "try before I buy" wonder how long I can get away with "trying"