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Do this - put your camera in the exhaust compartment, put the cleanout lid back on, and then (with engines off, but cleanout hatch open), hose down that cleanout tray - 100% chance it's leaking like an SOB.
I'm not sure of your directions. Hose down that stern area where the clean out tray is while my phone records the exhaust? What is the exhaust compartment?Do this - put your camera in the exhaust compartment, put the cleanout lid back on, and then (with engines off, but cleanout hatch open), hose down that cleanout tray - 100% chance it's leaking like an SOB.
We did that a few weeks back, that's when I confirmed where water was rushing in. No water came from the hose while running and some RPMs. I did however record and saw a little bit of dust or something blow past the camera when I bumped the throttle. Is there a seal or something within the jet propulsion that sits under that fiberglass floor the motor sits on and above the hull? I've seen what normal seal failures look like. That's crazy and scary with that much water being sprayed everywhere.My guess is you have a hose leak....can you get your wife to drive the boat again while you have the clean out tray off (not that I'm recommending you violate OSHA regulations-but you did it already....this is dangerous....don't ever take my advice!) and use your phone to inspect every hose connection back there! Its clearly coming in under pressure.
Does it get water when you run it on the hose? If so, then its not the shaft hose seal, or the bearing. The problem with this is you might not have enough water pressure to replicate the in water pressure-so its not a definitive answer, but helps some.
He's referring to the clamp in this photo.I thought I replied to this a long time ago but I don’t see the post anywhere. My boat was bringing in water in that same area you’re mentioning. It turned out to be the hose clamps that secure the clean out tube to the lips of the molding at the bottom. It was not secure. There’s a clamp at the top and bottom of the tube. The one at the bottom climbed up the tube instead of tightening around the lip which left a gap for the water to go through. You’re saying your water is warm, so this may not be the problem. But the symptoms are the same as what I experienced so thought I should mention it.
I dropped the boat off at a dealer for them to figure it out
I will double check what you said to look for
I dropped the boat off at a dealer for them to figure it out. There are no leaks from any hoses in the clean out tray/bag area. In that most recent and longer video I shared in post #21 was to show no hull leaks with the boat filled with water. The clean out port twisty thing doesn't leak. The water intrudes where the jet pump housing is. I think it may be cracked somewhere. I hope there is some hose or clamp etc that's an easy fix as the shop has a $120hr labor charge! Probably looking around 4k for this repair if it's the jet pump housing.
Whites Cycle and Marina in Chattanooga TNWhich dealership did you drop it off at?
I still believe you could be having water intrusion at the bottom of the clean out tubing. That large hose clamp should be at the very bottom (and another one at the very top). There’s not much height on the lip that tube sits on. Your hose clamp looks to be above that lip and, if tightened, can manipulate the tube just enough to open up a gap at the bottom. Whoever installed that clamp didn’t make it easy on someone to tighten it with the screw head facing the other way. I would try loosening it, rotating it around 180 degrees and then tighten it down at the very bottom.Boats are fun! Just added more time to repair...... Ugh. Corrosion locked.
Having just resealed my cleanout hatch area the other day, one thing I noticed was that there was old silicone I missed the first time on:I still believe you could be having water intrusion at the bottom of the clean out tubing. That large hose clamp should be at the very bottom (and another one at the very top). There’s not much height on the lip that tube sits on. Your hose clamp looks to be above that lip and, if tightened, can manipulate the tube just enough to open up a gap at the bottom. Whoever installed that clamp didn’t make it easy on someone to tighten it with the screw head facing the other way. I would try loosening it, rotating it around 180 degrees and then tighten it down at the very bottom.
Boats are fun! Just added more time to repair...... Ugh. Corrosion locked.