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What did you do to your boat today?

I was crawling around my boat yesterday looking for a spot for extinguisher #2. That’s a GREAT spot. Where’d you get that bracket, and do you feel like it’s really secure there?
The extenguisher came with the bracket. That rib its attached to only 1/4" thick so the screws penetrated the other side but its under the seat so I dont care. It seems to be solid.

You could always remove the seat and add machine screw and nuts under the seat then reattach which is my plan if for some reason the screws dont end up holding and pull out.
Went to San Diego bay, GREAT time! Unfortunately, the floating dock got tossed around by a 66 foot express cruiser doing 30 knots. Need some gel coat fixing..1000011174.jpg
Most of those should buff out but if you can feel the depth with finger nail Thay will need wet sanding.......gel coat should be thick enough in that area to sand out but if it gouged down to different color layer you need to add gel coat to the entire area(TOUGH TO TELL IN THE PHOTO) you do have one ding that will need gel coat filler........I seen worse.
Most of those should buff out but if you can feel the depth with finger nail Thay will need wet sanding.......gel coat should be thick enough in that area to sand out but if it gouged down to different color layer you need to add gel coat to the entire area(TOUGH TO TELL IN THE PHOTO) you do have one ding that will need gel coat filler........I seen worse.
Definitely gonna need gel coat work. I need to learn how to do it myself.
Not all accomplished today, but my spring prep is almost done. Put it away kind of dirty last fall, since we headed out on a five week camping trip as soon as it was out of the water, so first step was moving it to my main garage for a deep clean. Changed oil and plugs, plus the rest of the 100 hour inspection/lubrication checklist. Installed a little sound deadening mat material in the engine bay, battery compartment, and other adjacent storage. Pulled off the remains of the Yamaha logos on the sides of the boat. Installed marine mat kits from @JetBoatPilot (beautiful stuff!) on gunnels and swim deck. And now, as we wait for the water level on the lake to come down, I keep finding new places to stick more of the sound deadening mat while I watch Yankees games from the boat. This retirement shit is easy to get used to.
Took the boat out again yesterday and got slightly better conditions (still windy, though), so I was able to cruise for an hour or so and then park at the marina.

Some more noob questions:

Any special tricks to getting the cover on at the dock? When I have fenders tied on it makes it really hard to fit. The place I moor has some built-in bumper pads on the side of the dock - is that sufficient? Maybe I could just take the fenders off so the cover fits better.

I had some water in the bilge and in the ski locker after cruising yesterday. Only one passenger and no one riding in the bow. The bilge pump took care of the bilge water, but it didn't seem like the ski locker was draining, or at least not draining quickly.

I took a look at the leak finder thread but I'm wondering if it's an issue to have this amount of water in the ski locker. (Probably 1-2" of water?) I'll probably try to figure out how it's getting in at some point, but I've had so many logistics to handle so far that I'm kinda hoping this one isn't a problem I need to worry about immediately.

Thanks, all!

Took the boat out again yesterday and got slightly better conditions (still windy, though), so I was able to cruise for an hour or so and then park at the marina.

Some more noob questions:

Any special tricks to getting the cover on at the dock? When I have fenders tied on it makes it really hard to fit. The place I moor has some built-in bumper pads on the side of the dock - is that sufficient? Maybe I could just take the fenders off so the cover fits better.

I had some water in the bilge and in the ski locker after cruising yesterday. Only one passenger and no one riding in the bow. The bilge pump took care of the bilge water, but it didn't seem like the ski locker was draining, or at least not draining quickly.

I took a look at the leak finder thread but I'm wondering if it's an issue to have this amount of water in the ski locker. (Probably 1-2" of water?) I'll probably try to figure out how it's getting in at some point, but I've had so many logistics to handle so far that I'm kinda hoping this one isn't a problem I need to worry about immediately.

Thanks, all!

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The short answer is to jump in the water, longer answer is that the cover can be a nightmare to put on while in the water, and getting it to stay with Fenders and lines in use is something I've never even tried to attempt.

The ski locker water is normal as well, it's getting into the bilge, and your ski locker is actually the lowest spot, and likely the drain fitting is allowing water around the sides, and isnt sealed well, or at all, like many others.

I have a thread somewhere around here showing mine, and others have shown this as well. Troubleshooting it starts with finding the area(S) that are allowing water into the bilge in the first place, as you're getting enough to rise into the ski locker. The ski locker is at least one step down the troubleshooting chain, and something that may not need to be tackled if you find and seal the original spots allowing water in, depending on your outlook
Thanks for the info! I do think I got the cover on in such a way that it will stay put. Fingers crossed. As for the leak, that amount of water getting isn't going to cause the boat to, like, sink...is it? :eek:

The battery is on so the bilge pump should activate as needed, right?
Technically I didn't "do anything" to the boat today since we don't pick it up til May 4th, but I did get some new parts at the house today. 60" trailer guide pole covers and 4 adjustable rod holders for the tower.


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Thanks for the info! I do think I got the cover on in such a way that it will stay put. Fingers crossed. As for the leak, that amount of water getting isn't going to cause the boat to, like, sink...is it? :eek:

The battery is on so the bilge pump should activate as needed, right?

It seems like a lot of water, and it is, compared to what I think should be in there, zero, but you likely have one area that's the main issue, and with some investigations it's probably going to be an easy fix that will solve the majority (or all) of your water intrusion issues.

Check the leak thread, check the threads I've linked in my signature, check for cleanout plug sealing stuff... Those should be the main culprits, THEN go tackle that ski locker drain if you think that's necessary too. At least look at it, and decide at that point. The ski locker plug is like the finger in the dam situation

And yes, the bilge pump SHOULD keep up with it, but don't pin your hopes on electrical solutions that should have some mechanical solutions applied. The bilge should be your secondary (or tertiary) defense, not your "help us Obi-Wan"
Today was service day and tomorrow will be deep cleaning day.
Did a complete oil drain/change and spark plugs in both engines.
2 new batteries and a couple bottles of isoheet.
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Do you SeaFoam your gas? I've had much better success with it than Stabil, but I don't know how well it works for water in the fuel. I add startron to handle water. I may be over-adding, but I haven't had any issues.
Do you SeaFoam your gas? I've had much better success with it than Stabil, but I don't know how well it works for water in the fuel. I add startron to handle water. I may be over-adding, but I haven't had any issues.

Seafoam is all I use. It worked great when I had to de-water a 38yo Whaler fuel tank and 2 stroke Yamaha 115 carburated OB. It also helped to have a Raycor type fuel water separator installed.
Do you SeaFoam your gas? I've had much better success with it than Stabil, but I don't know how well it works for water in the fuel. I add startron to handle water. I may be over-adding, but I haven't had any issues.
I do use Seafoam but came across a case of HEET & IsoHEET, 2cycle oil, sta-BIL, bar oil and a few other things a while back that was free so I figured with the insane humidity here I might as well dump a couple bottles in.
Any special tricks to getting the cover on at the dock? When I have fenders tied on it makes it really hard to fit. The place I moor has some built-in bumper pads on the side of the dock - is that sufficient? Maybe I could just take the fenders off so the cover fits better.

If you’re referring to the one-piece Yamaha mooring cover there really isn’t a good way to get it on properly when the boat is in the water -unless- you’re a cross between a gymnast and high alpine free climber. I had a two-piece snap on cover for my last boat but didn’t have time to get it made when I picked up my new boat at the end of last season. Tried to use the Yamaha mooring cover a couple of times while on the water and there was a lot of swearing involved. Needless to say, I have an appointment at the end of next week for my new two-piece snap on cover. :)