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What did you do to your boat today?

I will be in Hapeville on business for 12 days soon, if you were closer I would come check it out.
Installed the mount and a spare tire on my 195s trailer ?


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Yesterday and the day before…this includes driving to and from from Southern New England.
Uncovered the boat and opened her up.
New ss/brass propane gauge install to replace broken/rusted original.

New frig. Door latch to replace broken one. Took some research and trial and error to find the right one to fit the existing mounting holes.


Patterned a bunch of stuff to keep the wife busy for a while. Cockpit seating and interior rugs.


I also had the job of removing the black water holding bag, yes bag, had been pumped out but always has some left. The fitting had been leaking and pulled out when I was inspecting it. Replacing with a poly tank.

What a shitty job this will be. Just ordered a 20 gallon poly tank to replace the bag. Yup, I said leaking…that reflection is next. One of the PO’s put a bilge pump at the bottom. Currently not working, will replace when tank is installed. Good off label use for my oil extractor, Lol. Gonna have to disconnect the toilet thruhull and plug it while inland anyway.

Before the dirty work began, I tested out the new seat cushions my wife made. She is working on the back cushions.

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Your wife does some REALLY nice work! It was always good, but you can see her getting better with each project. Hard to believe they went with a bag instead of a tank, but that'll be nice to get the change done
Thanks, she has cushions down pretty well. She has been adding top stitching and the back cushions will have a horizontal French seam half way up, hiding a pull down, stapled to the backing board, to help keep the the corner cushions round. That french seam will be continuous across all the back cushions, even though the pull down in not needed on the flat cushions. At least that's the plan...
Today I changed the oil for the first time. (Not the 10-hour change, just my first time changing a boat's oil. I've done plenty of cars and motorcycles before.)

I bought the boat used and it came with plenty of Yamalube and a new filter, which was great! But the filter itself, 69J-13440-04, had a dent in the side. Having had a motorcycle lose all its oil (while parked, thankfully) after taking a piece of gravel to the side of the filter, I decided that I shouldn't use the dented filter. But I also didn't want to wait to order 69J-13440-04 specifically, so I looked for a match online.

Weirdly there are a lot of matches for 69J-13440-00, but hardly any to be found for -04. But I found the K&N HP-1002 was a match for the -00 and it seemed to match the -04 I had in my hand as well. So I went with that! Seemed like a perfect fit - any concerns?


Also, I was only able to extract about 3L of oil. Seems like some others get 3.5L+. Is getting 3L out good enough or should I consider a mid-season change as well?
Here we go! Boat was insanely filthy after spending nearly 8 months in storage. So first had to clean the cover, boat, and trailer. Peeled off the old graphics. Which came up with ease as they were peeling up anywho. Then cleaned up one side of the residue left behind. Ceramic coating is so good I can't even tape painters tape to dry fit the graphics. Was able to get one piece up to see what it looked like. I've since polished the area that should be receiving the impact graphics. Now need to chip away at the other side which had a bunch of residue left behind.20240415_095953.jpg20240415_112211.jpg20240415_113508.jpg20240415_113517.jpg20240415_120313.jpg20240415_121837.jpg

I was planning on doing a full Polish job and new ceramic coating, but seeing how well the coating still is I'm going to ride it another season. I'll have to install a new one on the bottom half of the boat anyways after polishing off the coating there for the graphics install. So really it's just the top side and interior.
Suke: it was insanely filthy!

Me: I took my blower and got the thicker stuff off, let's go!


You do such great work, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I wished I could set aside the time and space you do, and end up with half as good an end result! ??
Suke: it was insanely filthy!

Me: I took my blower and got the thicker stuff off, let's go!


You do such great work, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I wished I could set aside the time and space you do, and end up with half as good an end result! ??
I didn't take any pics of it actually dirty. I couldn't stand to look at it that way. ? The layer of dust, dirt, and pollen on the cover was crazy! I normally have the shipping cover on it so it's pretty well covered. Was lazy last year. Won't do that again.
Today I changed the oil for the first time. (Not the 10-hour change, just my first time changing a boat's oil. I've done plenty of cars and motorcycles before.)

I bought the boat used and it came with plenty of Yamalube and a new filter, which was great! But the filter itself, 69J-13440-04, had a dent in the side. Having had a motorcycle lose all its oil (while parked, thankfully) after taking a piece of gravel to the side of the filter, I decided that I shouldn't use the dented filter. But I also didn't want to wait to order 69J-13440-04 specifically, so I looked for a match online.

Weirdly there are a lot of matches for 69J-13440-00, but hardly any to be found for -04. But I found the K&N HP-1002 was a match for the -00 and it seemed to match the -04 I had in my hand as well. So I went with that! Seemed like a perfect fit - any concerns?

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Also, I was only able to extract about 3L of oil. Seems like some others get 3.5L+. Is getting 3L out good enough or should I consider a mid-season change as well?

I have different engine(s) than you, but what I’ve found is that using the smallest extraction hose and taking time to make sure said hose is all the way down inside the engines oil removal hose and the engine oil level dip stick hole gets 99% of the oil out. You’re okay as you got most of the oil out, but you could do another when the oil starts to get really dark.
Ok now the ceramic coating is polished off I can stick painters tape to the hull. First dry fit! Looks great.20240416_102034.jpg
This is WAYYYYYYYYY easier than any vinyl graphic install. Only gotcha is vinyl with the wet method you can move it around and such. Once this is down even the slightest it was there. I wasn't able to pull it back up. Nearly had some of the install plastic get stuck behind there. Lesson learned on a small non important area. Was really concerned how the little pieces of the 212 would lay and they laid flawlessly! Great job on these @JetBoatPilot !

I'm torn if I should do the bottom section as this looks great and concerned it'll be too busy with the lowers. If I get a chance today I'll mock them up and see how I feel. Back to work now at my real job. This took like 20 mins to mock up and lay down once all the prep was done.
better without it.....new graphics look really good !
They did an amazing job on these. They stick like crazy! Don't expect these will peel up ever. Buddy of mine was like well they were cheaper than original graphics if you ever don't like them you can swap them out. I said ? no these aren't coming off, they're staying on until I sell this thing. I still think I may do the lowers as part of the point of these is to add some extra protection to docks. Hmmmmmm.......changing the oil right now while I mull it over. May do the other side top graphics and then make the executive decision. Need to be done for the day and start to grill dinner.
Dang it, I'm such as ask hole. I hate when people ask my opinion then go and do whatever anyways. ? I convinced myself since I have them and they can help with protection I went ahead and put them on. View attachment 218239
They look great! Thanks for sharing! Did we do the area up on the tower too or is that factory?