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Would you buy your boat again?

Yes I would.. I bought a Scarab 2020 195G back at the end of 2019.. Its the largest boat I could fit in my garage.. I wanted the G version so I could put my touch on it.. I have since upgraded the stereo, amps, speakers, subwoofer and remotes.. I installed a transducer and underwater led lights. I installed the marine mats as well.. Very happy with its performance on the water..
I’m conflicted. For the price my boat looks and drives amazing, it’s safe, very versatile and was a great value.
That said, I absolutely hate the sound of these things when cruising and we just cruise quite a bit. I haven’t gotten around to doing any soundproofing so maybe that would help.
I don’t have shallow water issues so a nice smooth V8 I/O might almost be worth the hassle of maintaining an outdrive myself. If I had to pay a dealer to do it then no way.
My lake is overrun with high end wake boats - mostly MC’s and Nautiques. But the Cobalts just keep grabbing my attention. I find them to be so classy looking. And much to my surprise - now the wife and kids look for and point out the WSS’s. Their interest excites me. So we’ll see.
I’ve only seen one new Cobalt out at the lake & it was docked by us. It was the navy blue with red trim and leather colored interior...looks spectacular. Almost too classy for where it was parked.
Nope. I sold my Yamaha last August and bought a 2021 MasterCraft because I wanted a true wake boat. With the price Yamaha is asking and all of the unnecessary electronics they are putting on their boats now I never considered another Yamaha.

Edit: If it were the exact boat (SX210) that I bought in 2010 without a huge price increase, yes.
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Nope. I sold my Yamaha last August and bought a 2021 MasterCraft because I wanted a true wake boat. With the price Yamaha is asking and all of the unnecessary electronics they are putting on their boats now I never considered another Yamaha.
I would have thought your mastercraft has way more electronic gizmos than a Yamaha. Do you just mean how everything runs through connext?
ask me after I suck up my first rope. ?
I would have thought your mastercraft has way more electronic gizmos than a Yamaha. Do you just mean how everything runs through connext?
Having everything run through the connext is a recipe for disaster. I bought a boat in the NXT line which doesn't have the touchscreen controls. It has a small screen, but everything that can be done on the screen has hard switches also. If the screen would quit working it wouldn't affect the boat's function at all, which is what I was looking for when I bought the boat. I design electrical control systems for a living so I know how electronics and water don't play well together. The other reason I went with MasterCraft is their warranty, 5 years bow to stern on the boat and 7 year/1000 hours on the engine.
Thanks fellas. Just in the process of building my boat and with bloody covid they putting damper on things. Fingers crossed it be ready for May 24!
Any other tips for buying new? Must haves and can live withouts?

Bohdiez, when is your build date? Have you seen any movement in that date (forward or back)? When did you place your order? COVID has us waiting until June 21st, despite our dealer leading us to believe that it would be a spring delivery.
Probably not, but ask me again in July :cool:. In fairness I bought a used boat at the end of the season (went out once before winterizing). Not happy with dealer network (small, not very helpful, my local doesn’t seem to have much experience with these boats). I should have researched more, but had just sold my last boat and was anxious not to be without a boat.
Actually considering selling it in the spring and starting the search over again. Biggest problem with that is I will probably end up without a boat for the season.
Since my 2020 195S is the biggest boat I can fit in my garage and it is really nice, yes! If I had a bigger garage, I'd would opt for a 25 footer!
Feel the same way.
Bohdiez, when is your build date? Have you seen any movement in that date (forward or back)? When did you place your order? COVID has us waiting until June 21st, despite our dealer leading us to believe that it would be a spring delivery.
Just ordered last week. Been in contact with the dealer for couple weeks. Being told early summer but would be so nice at May 24 weekend! So pumped it’s not even funny. Been trying to get 2021 brochures but doesn’t seem like scarab hasn’t released them an no real big changes.
I love my Ar240 and does everything I want to however my next boat will be either the AR250 or something completely different as I see my needs changing in about 6 years. Until then I'm very happy with the 240.
Yep! I would. Planing, in fact, to upgrade to the 215 at some point soon. While not needed, the extra room would be nice, but mostly for the dual engines.

As far as dealer issues, our dealer is also our marina, so if we had issues (which we've not had) we wouldn't have far to go. But we're moving halfway across the country this spring so maybe things will look different.
I looked hard at the NXT before I bought the AR 240. Best I could come up with was around 65K with 110 hours on it. New with accessories they are 100K! Some of the reviews on the NXT were great except for the surf wake wasn't up to par. But it is a quality Master Craft product and a great looking boat.
The AR suited my budget. 53K with only 13 hours on it. I'm going to drop another 3 or so getting it set up for wake surfing (Ballast, wedge and Ride Steady) so at the end of the day I might have 57K or so in it.
I don't think I would've bought my scarab again. It was a great boat and provided lots of hours of fun. But in the end wasn't really my style. It wasn't big enough, fast enough and didn't have that big block sound. I think I would've bought the boat I have now and would've been happier. It'll run at the speeds I want in relative comfort, its big enough to take bigger waves and its loud. I mean you can't beat the sound of twin big blocks coming across the water.
I don't think I would've bought my scarab again. It was a great boat and provided lots of hours of fun. But in the end wasn't really my style. It wasn't big enough, fast enough and didn't have that big block sound. I think I would've bought the boat I have now and would've been happier. It'll run at the speeds I want in relative comfort, its big enough to take bigger waves and its loud. I mean you can't beat the sound of twin big blocks coming across the water.
Twin big blocks?!? What kind of boat? I’m sitting in my office daydreaming about that sound!
Twin big blocks?!? What kind of boat? I’m sitting in my office daydreaming about that sound!
2005 baja 342 boss with twin 496 ho's


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