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Yamaha Drain Plug


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242X E-Series
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On my 2018 242X, i have had a problem with the cheap plastic drain plug allowing water into the boat. Our engine and center compartments start filling up with water. Yamaha says they do not have a better metal plug to replace it. Has anyone had a similar problem? Potential solution?
weird. My boat is 7 years old and it is still on it original plug.
On my 2018 242X, i have had a problem with the cheap plastic drain plug allowing water into the boat. Our engine and center compartments start filling up with water. Yamaha says they do not have a better metal plug to replace it. Has anyone had a similar problem? Potential solution?

My boat has a ton of metal/fiberglass etc shavings in the bilge. I cleaned those out early on. If you didn't, perhaps the rubber washer on your plug was damaged? I'd do the following:
  1. Clean the bilge
  2. replace the rubber washer on your plastic plug.
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On my 2018 242X, i have had a problem with the cheap plastic drain plug allowing water into the boat. Our engine and center compartments start filling up with water. Yamaha says they do not have a better metal plug to replace it. Has anyone had a similar problem? Potential solution?
What @Julian said.
There is usually a lot of debris in the bilge, presumably post production. All that needs to be vacuumed out, otherwise it gets through the drain and damages threads in that plastic fitting.
It really is a shame. Some of the dealers are quite open about that “they all leak” - you can actually hear those words from a Yamaha dealer.
Good news is, it’s all fairly easy to fix just takes time and effort.

What @Julian said.
There is usually a lot of debris in the bilge, presumably post production. All that needs to be vacuumed out, otherwise it gets through the drain and damages threads in that plastic fitting.
It really is a shame. Some of the dealers are quite open about that “they all leak” - you can actually hear those words from a Yamaha dealer.
Good news is, it’s all fairly easy to fix just takes time and effort.

Thanks for your input. How did you go about cleaning out the bilge? How did you access it?
Thanks for your input. How did you go about cleaning out the bilge? How did you access it?
Shop vac through clean out tray hatch, and playing a contortionist, lol.

That’s the easy way. The whole tray can be removed, too, for much better access.

I sometimes think the term "scupper valve" is used for hull drain plug and the deck drain in this forum. Are both correct to be called that? I want to be clear when I have to address any issue with either one of them.
I sometimes think the term "scupper valve" is used for hull drain plug and the deck drain in this forum. Are both correct to be called that? I want to be clear when I have to address any issue with either one of them.
Scupper is for the deck drain.
(to me)

A scupper is a deck drain to me as well
Shop vac through clean out tray hatch, and playing a contortionist, lol.

That’s the easy way. The whole tray can be removed, too, for much better access.

Thanks. Where is the clean out tray hatch?
Thanks. Where is the clean out tray hatch?

Under the hatch in the back of the boat, where the clean out plugs (to access the and clean out the jet pumps on the water). Between the plugs is a hatch you can pull up to access the lower bilge. Stick a shop vac in there and suck all you can out. Then I stuck a hose in there and flushed out the remainder (make sure the bow it up high)
My guy said it could be the plug assembly was not caulked well. I may remove mine and reseal it. My water intrusion is not consistent
I replaced mine with a light! love it. Just a thought...?
I replaced mine with a light! love it. Just a thought...?
That replaces the whole drain assembly, right? Is it difficult to take the old out? I saw some directions on their website, but it isn't quite as step-by-step as I seem to be needing. Lol! Did you happen to take any pics of the process? One last question... most of my boating is murky lake water (and minimal after dark until the kids get bigger)... is there any point in adding a light?