- Messages
- 18,631
- Reaction score
- 21,021
- Points
- 1,102
- Location
- Raleigh, NC 27614
- Boat Make
- Yamaha
- Year
- 2016
- Boat Model
- 242X E-Series
- Boat Length
- 24
As the forum gets bigger and bigger, the job of having a consistent approach from all the Administrators and Moderators becomes harder and harder to coordinate. Fortunately our forum software has a feature that can help us all. It is called "Warnings". The purpose of the feature is to give a member a "nudge" from a moderator that they've crossed a line, and gives the member an opportunity to change course.
The following are the current default Warnings available to the team:
Content=posting Porn outside of the NSW forum.
Language= Excessive swearing (probably won't be used....it is a default)
SPAM=posting SPAM on the forum (this typically results in a ban anyway....so this likely won't get much use)
Personal Attack= Replying to a post with a personal Attack - calling someone a name etc. Also, just replying with pointless memes, or other off topic rants may result in a warning....especially if done multiple times. Be respectful.
Partisan Political Reference= See this thread for more details, but in short, don't make partisan political comments on the forum. You can find a million other places to talk politics. Use of any euphemisms like "Let's.. Go ..Brandon" or just referring to President Brandon will result in a warning.
We expect the last two to be where most warnings will occur, and hope that a simple warning (no one will know you got one) will suffice to calm things down. We won't be publishing warning information. You won't get Trophy points for warnings LOL! We don't want this to be considered confrontational.
Before we take this live we would like the members feedback. We think this will provide a way to gently keep things on track, and really hope no one ever gets more than one "live/unexpired" warning.
We welcome your comments.
- The main reason is to give the moderating team a simple, non-confrontational, consistent method for nudging people's behavior in the right direction.
- This makes it easy to manage each user across the whole forum. An individual moderator usually doesn't read all the posts in all the sub-forums so this helps us more quickly identify if a member that is consistently misbehaving across the various sub-forums. The "Report" feature also helps us with this.
- Members expectations about the results of Code of Conduct violations are uniform, and moderator responses/reactions are also uniform.
- The system is configured to give "Canned" messages to members when they receive a warning from a moderator. Here is an example of a canned message about "Personal Attack":
- Your message ({title}) contains inappropriate personal comments or an outright personal attack. This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.
Your account's access may be limited based on these actions (depending on how many warnings you have). Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site. <URL will be inserted to this explanation thread on "Warnings">
- Your message ({title}) contains inappropriate personal comments or an outright personal attack. This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.
- If a member posts something like "you are an f'ing ahole" to another member. A few things may happen:
- A member may "Report" the post (using the report button at the bottom...that is not new).
- The post will be removed
- A moderator will give the member a "Warning". This warning will give the member 1 warning point, and they'll receive the above message.
- Warning points accumulate and also expire. We've set the default expiration date to 1 week (we may adjust this). Once a member reaches the following points, their access to the forum will change:
- 3 Warning Points=1 Day Ban (we will need to confirm how this works in conjunction with the 1 week expiration)
- 5 Warning Points=1 Week Ban
- 7 Warning Points=1 Month Ban
- Greater than 7 warning points and the Admin/Moderator committee will meet to determine the course of action.
The following are the current default Warnings available to the team:
Content=posting Porn outside of the NSW forum.
Language= Excessive swearing (probably won't be used....it is a default)
SPAM=posting SPAM on the forum (this typically results in a ban anyway....so this likely won't get much use)
Personal Attack= Replying to a post with a personal Attack - calling someone a name etc. Also, just replying with pointless memes, or other off topic rants may result in a warning....especially if done multiple times. Be respectful.
Partisan Political Reference= See this thread for more details, but in short, don't make partisan political comments on the forum. You can find a million other places to talk politics. Use of any euphemisms like "Let's.. Go ..Brandon" or just referring to President Brandon will result in a warning.
We expect the last two to be where most warnings will occur, and hope that a simple warning (no one will know you got one) will suffice to calm things down. We won't be publishing warning information. You won't get Trophy points for warnings LOL! We don't want this to be considered confrontational.
- We welcome you to appeal a warning if you feel it was given in error. Send a message (conversation) to multiple admins/moderators with your appeal.
- Please understand that these aren't a big deal.
- Please understand that if you attack another member, you will get a warning, and posting it, then deleting it later (well after it is expected that the target would have read it) won't get it removed.
- The partisan political reference ones will be the hardest for moderators to balance. Trust me, the moderators just want to be forum members. We don't want to be "policing" behavior. That is no fun at all. This process will allow them to "nudge" people when they cross the line. If you delete these posts, warnings will be removed (we don't like to delete these posts because we get called for censorship....its a no win situation).
Before we take this live we would like the members feedback. We think this will provide a way to gently keep things on track, and really hope no one ever gets more than one "live/unexpired" warning.
We welcome your comments.
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