I thought maybe a little follow-up to what
@Julian explained about how a reported post is moved to moderation, was in order. There seems to be some recentment that action is taken before it is discussed. This is just a perception by forum members that are not involved directly, the discussion is already taking place behind the scenes. As Julian explained, a private conversation is started asap, and the post is discussed with the OP. But the fact is, if anyone makes a post that is out of bounds, there are going to be differing opinions on it. And the membership at that point, doesn't need to weigh in on it. That is the very reason it is removed from view, so that more controversy, criticism, taking sides, distention, and hurt feelings don't develop or are kept to a minimum. Let's face it, we all want to say what we want to say, and we all have our opinions...and as they say, opinions are like assholes, we all got em, and we all won't agree all the time.
We all came here to enjoy our boats, get answers, share camaraderie, and either continue or make new friendships with like minded people. Doing so, we are all naturally going to go beyond the topics that this forum represents. That is your business and you can discuss that outside the forum. We are not providing you a place to set up a podium, soap box, political tent, or a platform for you to take jabs at your opponents. Those have been clearly outlined as undesirable traits, and the membership of this forum has supported those views from day one. This has to be self policing. If it isn't, we all need to be man enough to say "oops, my bad", and move on. We learn something new everyday, and while it may appear that the dictatorial moderator just guts a member without direct discussion, nothing could be further from the truth. The discussion is happening, and the issue in question is in limbo. All of us (moderators) are also discussing it behind the scenes. A reminder here...none of us came to jetboaters.net to be moderators, none of us. We came here, just like you, to find a place to enjoy our boats, get and share help, and friendships. And the very reason we don't want this type of stuff on the forum, is that it takes away from that. And...it takes many folks out of their family life, work life, and social life...while they try to deal with it. So we all need to consider how what we say may not be offensive to us, but might be to others, and maybe just not go down those roads. And hey, as they say, we're all human, so mistakes will be made, we will fix it, and move on. Nobody is getting banned right up front, and nobody is being asked to leave, but we all need to realize that our own opinion is not the only opinion. We love jetboaters and want it to remain that way!