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Cleaning your boats

Great tips above.. Just remember, you don't have to spend alot of money on overpriced cleaners. Totally Awesome at the Dollar store.

One of the reasons I used vinegar and water to remove water spots… not only is it super effective, its super inexpensive.
Mildew that builds up when stored is certainly a thing, so maybe I'll give that stuff a try. Once it sets in, scrubbing with a bit of bleach in water in direct sunlight works miracles though....but over my many years of boating, upholstery has always been white with dark accents. My 255XD has that tan chil-cool stuff for upholstery. As "cool" as that looks, I'm a bit skeptical as to how that will hold up over time. We'll see.
Everything I have read is to never use bleach on the upholstery, as it will weaken the stitching.
So I just got my first boat Yamaha SX250 and pick it up from the dealer on 7/16. What is everyones cleaning methods?

I’ll be trailering it everywhere so do i wash it after every trip out? Whats the best cleaner for the hull? Interior?

Also there may be a couple trips a year where I’ll put it on salt water so whats the cleaning process after that?

Any help is appreciated
https://shurhold.com/ Check out Shurhold they offer lots of tools and products.

Note too, The 303 product that has been mentioned is like ArmourAll. 303 makes numerous products, I really like their multi purpose cleaner. I Keep a spray bottle on the boat with a rag, to clean it while using it.
Everything I have read is to never use bleach on the upholstery, as it will weaken the stitching.
Could be. I’ve been doing it for decades and haven’t had an issue, but I’m just a data point of 1. I don’t use straight bleach. Just a capful in a bucket of water. And only on the affected area.
Could be. I’ve been doing it for decades and haven’t had an issue, but I’m just a data point of 1. I don’t use straight bleach. Just a capful in a bucket of water. And only on the affected area.

Ive used soft scrub with bleach and a medium stiff brush on stubborn stains if the Star Brite vinyl polish won’t get it out.
Mildew that builds up when stored is certainly a thing, so maybe I'll give that stuff a try. Once it sets in, scrubbing with a bit of bleach in water in direct sunlight works miracles though....but over my many years of boating, upholstery has always been white with dark accents. My 255XD has that tan chil-cool stuff for upholstery. As "cool" as that looks, I'm a bit skeptical as to how that will hold up over time. We'll see.
I was at the dealer yesterday picking up my boat and he was telling me that the "cool" matting(brown/tan in color) has to be cleaned with different products than the standard grey matting. Just an FYI.
I was at the dealer yesterday picking up my boat and he was telling me that the "cool" matting(brown/tan in color) has to be cleaned with different products than the standard grey matting. Just an FYI.

LOL this is like an oil thread...

I'll give my .02:

Before every usage:
  1. Clean the windows and tow mirror with foaming window cleaner and news paper. Clean windows = safer boating.
  2. Look for anything on the marine mat that could be "ground in" like a leaf or something left from the last time.
  3. Wipe down the gloss interior black components (passenger helm, captain helm, etc.)

After every usage:
  1. Wipe down vinyl with Boat Juice (Orange)
  2. Wipe down any noticeable spots on the fiberglass with Boat Juice (Green)
  3. Spray rear steering cables with YamaLube

After a long weekend of heavy usage or every few weeks of normal usage:
  1. Use a bucket of car wash soap to clean marine mat inside, the rails of the ski locker, the bow areas, the cup holders, cleanout tray area, and hose entire inside out.
  2. Spray hose through scupper line to ensure it's clean & check scupper "flap" to ensure it works.
  3. Use Starbrite Hull Cleaner to remove the brown stains from our fine Wisconsin River.
  4. Wash and spray wax outside of hull
  5. Wash tower and speakers
  6. Wash visible trailer parts, wheels & wet-shine the tires (3M makes some great stuff!)
Before storage:
  1. Clean until it's mint and hard wax the entire hull
I’ve used 303 religiously since ownership (thanks to the forum for recommending) and can’t recommend it enough, going on our 4th season. I’ve never used any sort of damp-rid while it’s covered outside or in storage. The interior is still like-new from when we bought the boat. The stuff works for sure!

Also an observation, I use a shammy to apply it. The other day I tried to use the same shammy to suck up excess water out of the front bow cooler. The 303 waterproofed the shammy, it just floated, wouldn’t absorb any water!
How often do you apply 303?
Great tips above.. Just remember, you don't have to spend alot of money on overpriced cleaners. Totally Awesome at the Dollar store.

I check the ingredients before using Totally Awesome. I think it has butyl in it. Butyl could harm the upholstery and/or gel coat.
I check the ingredients before using Totally Awesome. I think it has butyl in it. Butyl could harm the upholstery and/or gel coat.

I'd be interested to see the source of this. They don't really disclose ANY ingredients, and everything I've ever seen speak of generic ingredients.

I still don't use it on my boat, but my wife uses it around the house and specifically the kitchen, and your post is the first I've ever heard mention of butyl for an ingredient in that stuff
How often do you apply 303?
We apply 2-3 times a season, and it’s usually before our long trips at LOTO where it will see the sun all day long while we travel the lake!
I was at the marina yesterday and I saw some professional detailers working over a boat. I watched the woman with one of those small like half gallon size hudson sprayers spraying something all over the hard surfaces, as I got down wind I could smell vinegar, apparently they begin with a vinegar solution to strip away the hard water deposits and old wax.
I'm wet-slipping this season (my first season boating) without the opportunity to pull the boat out often for cleaning (I'm storing the trailer 30 minutes away, so it's a PITA).

So for the hull, I'm planning on power washing and waxing at the end of the season before putting it in a barn for the winter. What should I look for in a power washer that will be safe to clean my boat with? In terms of PSI or style or whatever?
Just don't get too close and use a wider spray Nosel...........now after the goo is gone you might be left with some staining. Now I use a dilution of muriatic acid and water with a healthy dose of Dawn dish soap......this is hell on concrete if you don't keep it wet and washed down. It does not damage fiberglass.

Now a lot of people use good old Blue toilet cleaner scrub it on let it sit a while and wash it off for a stain free finish.

Good luck
I use boat bling hot sauce on the hull to help with water spots. I dilute it down to about 50/50 with water and it still works great and lasts longer that way.
I'm wet-slipping this season (my first season boating) without the opportunity to pull the boat out often for cleaning (I'm storing the trailer 30 minutes away, so it's a PITA).

So for the hull, I'm planning on power washing and waxing at the end of the season before putting it in a barn for the winter. What should I look for in a power washer that will be safe to clean my boat with? In terms of PSI or style or whatever?

If you feel the need to buy a tool, that's the only reason I'd buy a pressure washer. As for using one on the boat, I own 2, and have access to 2 other more powerful versions, and still won't use it on the boat.

Go here, and you'll find the suggestions infinitely better and easier than a pressure washer

Hull yellowing
If you feel the need to buy a tool, that's the only reason I'd buy a pressure washer. As for using one on the boat, I own 2, and have access to 2 other more powerful versions, and still won't use it on the boat.

Go here, and you'll find the suggestions infinitely better and easier than a pressure washer

Hull yellowing

I bought but haven’t tried the Star Brite stuff that @biffdotorg mentions in the linked thread. I did try using the vinegar and water solution I use to remove water spots on the hull and that yielded some good results. I spray it on and let it soak then use use a medium stiff brush and the residue on the hull came off.