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    free hit counter

Dealing with the fallout from two tornados

Yeah, it was a crazy one for sure!

Honestly, while it certainly isn’t perfect, I am happier than I was afraid I’d be. It’s very stout and rigid. Holds the frame and center hinged window very well, clarity is great, and it’s almost indistinguishable from the factory glass. Do not use the wrong chemicals for cleaning, or the clarity becomes cloudy, but so far, so good.
You should start taking orders!
You should start taking orders!
Lol, I’ll help anyone how I can, but there are too many different variations of windshields from all the different models and years for me to start going that deep. Besides, I’d want to get a little closer to perfect with the product before charging. And lastly, between running a small business, and three kids, I’m spread pretty thin already. I just wish some company would come up with an option that doesn’t require totaling out a boat. That part sucks.