little update on my 255xd that ties to this, my starboard steering cable is on its way out. Boat is a 2021 lol, doesnt stay in water long and rinsed vigorously after use. I noticed turning lock to lock on land i was getting a perceived "clicking" from the back. It was actually the nozzles shifting on the pivots. Why were they shifting, you may ask? Well i have Cobras and the additional tierod. With a cable thats binding up, the other cable techically is pulling and pushing the noise was the loading and unloading force. Removed both turnbuckles and removed the nuts up front in the help attached to the hydraulic ram (electronic steering versions). Port is silky smooth, starboard i could barely budge it by hand. Def can't tell in the wheel since nothing is attached to it....BUT it does answer one of my warranty failures, that still is an issue.
My hydraulic ram for the steering in the 1st month of ownership lifted the screws that secure the pump to the floor. 2 outta the 6 shown in photo provided. The dealer fixed with longer/bigger diameter screws......well after inspecting again, they are pulled out again. I thought my steering was sloppy last time out, and sure as hell it is, since the ram has tons of play in it now. The cable being close to seized is putting undo force into the ram. So it looks like my cable has been like this since I bought it.
Tried lubing it with the trick in this thread, tried both ways. From helm, and from back of boat. Couldnt get anything out either end, went as high as 75psi with air compressor. Not sure if these newer cables have some other seals inside besides the external black ones exposed.
Cables are on back order 150 days it shows lol. I bought a SBT aftermarket to have on hand, and switch so this season don't go down the toilet and in winter have dealer warranty under my YES.