This always seems to come off wrong, and isn't intended to be critical of you or your situation. But many times, a person will look at the cost of something "new" they just bought, and look at it like it shouldn't have cost them the time, trouble, or money...on a "new" to them, anything! I don't blame someone a bit. I had similar issues with a "new to us" motorhome, that had a dealer warranty (30 days) and an extended warranty of 3 years/36K miles. I have had a ton of issues, and believe me, I want to cast the same blame as you, and really, on a coach they claim to have gone thru, should I have these big issues? I found out very quickly, that the guys on the forum (DOAI), that had BRAND NEW $250,000 DOLLARS coaches, that they had the same problems one would think you wouldn't have on a brand new coach, boat, car, truck...just about anything. I fly Boeing jets for a living. We have been getting new airplanes every month now for 2 years. I fly brand new airplanes frequently, and they too have issues...and they cost 50 to 150 MILLION a piece, depending on model. So heres the deal, you have a warranty, and it sucks that you have to use it, and the caveats around it. I know it sucks too, to buy a boat out of your area, and then have zero dealer support. Trust me when I tell you, that knowing someone, and having a very good relationship with them, at that dealer, is paramount. If you do, you can probably get them to get the part even under warranty and send it to you, then you send them back the bad one. You need that relationship. Otherwise, when something like this happens again, and it will, you will have someone you can call. But 99% of warranty issues are going to have to be handled AT the dealer, which means taking your boat 165 miles to them and leaving it. If that isn't something you want to do, just bite the bullet and order the part on your nickel, and fix it. You can certainly try Yamaha customer service, and they may help a time, or even two. But they depend on their dealer network, and it isn't their fault you don't have one close...well, on second thought, until they have one close (and you could use that argument), they need to offer you more consideration! Again, I am not unsympathetic at all, I just know nothing is perfect, no matter the cost, and the answer is warranty. Getting that warranty service can be a real pain. I have had at least 5 items on my two Yamaha's, that I chose to fix myself, and at my cost, because the cost of losing time in the boating season for it to sit and the dealer for a week, not to mention travel time, just wasn't worth no cost vs loss of use. Let us know what the dealer or Yamaha can do for you, it is good info here and my guess is that someone before you has had a dealer or Yamaha take care of something for them going the extra mile. That won't always be the case, but they certainly try. Enjoy the upcoming good weather and the boat!