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Is there an easy way to lock boards on the rack?


Jetboaters Lieutenant
Reaction score
Central Virginia
Boat Make
Boat Model
242X E-Series
Boat Length
My boat lives at a marina - it is gated access so the risk is not that bad - but I would like to leave our various boards on the boat in the racks and lock them. I am imagining some sort of cable lock. Anyone familiar with such a thing or a DIY technique?
Good question. Im also interested.
For boards with boots: If you have a cable lock that fits tightly against the board and through your rack, it should be impossible to steal unless they take a boot off. If they had the time to do that, I would be more worried on other, more expensive stuff getting stolen.

Won't work for boards with no boots....and will only slow them down.

I've left mine in the board rack.....our docks are double slips....I leave them in the non-dock side rack - makes it harder to access.
I would just lay your boards in the boat, and put the mooring cover over it. Out of sight, out of mind. This is also how I travel with mine if my wife packs the truck bed with too much sh*t. My 21' has room for a surf board up front and at least three wakeboards on the rear floor. A kids wakeboard fits into the ski locker, or if you don't have any ballast in there, you can fit one adult board.
I would just lay your boards in the boat, and put the mooring cover over it. Out of sight, out of mind. This is also how I travel with mine if my wife packs the truck bed with too much sh*t. My 21' has room for a surf board up front and at least three wakeboards on the rear floor. A kids wakeboard fits into the ski locker, or if you don't have any ballast in there, you can fit one adult board.
This is not a goood idea if your boots are wet. They will start to smell.
My boat lives at a marina - it is gated access so the risk is not that bad - but I would like to leave our various boards on the boat in the racks and lock them. I am imagining some sort of cable lock. Anyone familiar with such a thing or a DIY technique?
Interesting Q, subscribed.
I pondered this as well and even went to the extreme thought of drilling a hole in the surf board to run a cable thru it to lock it but didn’t do it.