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    We are delighted you have found your way to the best Jet Boaters Forum on the internet! Please consider Signing Up so that you can enjoy all the features and offers on the forum. We have members with boats from all the major manufacturers including Yamaha, Seadoo, Scarab and Chaparral. We don't email you SPAM, and the site is totally non-commercial. So what's to lose? IT IS FREE!

    Membership allows you to ask questions (no matter how mundane), meet up with other jet boaters, see full images (not just thumbnails), browse the member map and qualifies you for members only discounts offered by vendors who run specials for our members only! (It also gets rid of this banner!)

    free hit counter

SWAG Jetboaters.net LOGO Sticker Sale

Got my stickers today Murf! I am sure they arrived 3 days ago, but I was not here to open the envelope! Thanks a bunch! Truck will be adorned with jetboaters.net before it drives again!
Got mine today. Thank you!

Looks good with my skydive sticker.

Fits perfect! image.jpg
Got our stickers yesterday. They look awesome, Thank you!!!!!!!
JETBOATERS.NET sticker Canadian debut.

@Chillypilot ...you been holding out on me dude...I need Mac help!;) @Bruce , @Murf'n'surf , now that I see chillypilots kitbag, I am jealous. Since we are 100% electronic flight bag, I need an embroideried logo sticker to sew onto my kitbag, as it is no longer leather, it is an EFB bag that is kind of like the AO Cooler ballistic nylon exterior.
Patches! Good idea txav8tr.
yeah....where are MINE???

what? have to order them?

jeesh, always something...nothing's ever easy is it?
I put yours in the mail a week ago....... sent them to:

Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278

I hope the postman knows you.:facepalm:
Email sent...
Out with the old,
In with the new...
Thanks so much @Murf'n'surf for getting the right stickers in the mail to us! You sir, and one class act! :cool:
Got mine murf, Thank you..

Sales have screeched to a halt.....only one order in the last 6 days.

Thanks to all who have ordered.
I hope you enjoy your stickers!

Post up pics of your boats, trucks, cars, kids and flight bags with the logo stickers.

Sales have screeched to a halt.....only one order in the last 6 days.

Thanks to all who have ordered.
I hope you enjoy your stickers!

Post up pics of your boats, trucks, cars, kids and flight bags with the logo stickers.
As you know, I am pretty new here. I have a feeling once better weather shows up and people start getting out on the water there will be a large spike in new members, just from people seeing our stickers and other swag. And more importantly word of mouth of how freaking awesome this group is!!!

Hey, that looks like a 242LS in the background, are they on here?
I see a couple Yamaha's in my small storage lot, but I never see the people that go with them, I'm thinking about leaving a note on the boats to see if they would like to join us.