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My 2024 255XD Build/Mods

Now that you have tried the cones do you think you’ll be going with the twin screw impellers to eliminate your cavitation ?

Looks like the sound insulation is done well on your boat!

Yeah, it’s much quieter than the 242X we had.

Now that you have tried the cones do you think you’ll be going with the twin screw impellers to eliminate your cavitation ?

I feel like once adjusted correctly, the L13 cones should get rid of most of the cavitation. But if it remains an issue, I’m not against swapping impellers.
Just thought I would get a thread started to keep up with the things I am working on.

I've got a list as long as both my arms of the stuff I would like to do so I'll try to update regularly with photos and info.

Round #1 of parts on order currently:
- 48" guide posts
- Slick Stick guide post cover in black
- Oil Catch Cans (Amazon Special - didn't seem necessary to throw more than $25-30 at something as simple as an oil catch can)
- Lucky 13 Pump Cones
- Riva Racing Intake Manifold Upgrade (Ribbon Deletes)
- RIva Racing Blow Off Valve Kits
- Riva Racing Vacuum Port Adapter (to avoid drilling the manifold)
- Jet Boat Pilot 3D Registration [HASH=93]#s[/HASH] to match my interior
- Stoltz Bow Roller
- Flame Arrester conical style air filters to get rid of the ariboxes

Round #2 coming soon - the wife insists that I fix the stereo quickly.

Will any of these mods give the boat a better exhaust note? Exhaust, the stereo and the carpet are the only things I would change in my AR 250. Stereo is underway, carpet is up next but I have not heard of anything to make the boat sound better
Will any of these mods give the boat a better exhaust note? Exhaust, the stereo and the carpet are the only things I would change in my AR 250. Stereo is underway, carpet is up next but I have not heard of anything to make the boat sound better

Nothing I’m doing will change the exhaust note.
Thay are 4cyl and have a certain note that won't change and on plane the exhaust is well above water level .........open type exhaust.
Thay are 4cyl and have a certain note that won't change and on plane the exhaust is well above water level .........open type exhaust.

After it passes through the water lock(s) correct?
I love these sorts of threads. Good stuff. For the uninitiated amongst us, what improvement does the conical suppresser/filter make?
I love these sorts of threads. Good stuff. For the uninitiated amongst us, what improvement does the conical suppresser/filter make?

More air flow.
Got my stereo upgrade finished today. Was rushing and was too hot, so I forgot to take photos. But it sounds great. I’ll get some photos later this week when we’re out on it being lazy. Thanks again to @jacoviii for helping me out with custom harnesses to convert factory inputs/outputs to RCAs and speaker wire.
Quick update. The stereo is completely done. Spent the last 2 outings tuning on the amps to get everything perfect. I’ll get some photos of it tomorrow, hopefully. Depends on how fast the frozen margaritas disappear.

On the factory stereo we needed it turned up to 80 or 90 to even hear it while cruising and my wife still complained that she couldn’t hear the bow speakers very well while underway.

With the new setup, cruising at 30-35, I set the volume level at 50 and was asked to turn it down a little. So I’d say it’s much better than stock.

Big thanks to @jacoviii for his help and knowledge of the wiring.
Picked up a NOCO Gen5x2 off Amazon on a prime days deal. Just got it installed. I took the easy road for bypassing the DVSR by just cutting the negative wire and installing a quick connect plug on it. Still waiting on my thru hull plug to come in so that I can plug/unplug the NOCO with the cover on or off….. and to impress my wife by cutting another hole in the boat without it sinking.

Since the factory cleats never seem to be in the right location, I installed some quick connects for my Babz balls. Wasn’t looking forward to drilling holes in the exterior, but it wasn’t bad at all.

Great thread. Thanks for documenting. Did you get anymore tuning done with the cones?
Great thread. Thanks for documenting. Did you get anymore tuning done with the cones?
I played with a few different washer setups, but I don’t remember exactly what arrangement of washers I decided to go with. I do know that what I found that I was happy with has both engines dialed in at about 7800-7850 rpms. The boat is put away at the moment, but I’ll try to remember to look next time I check on it.