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My boy got up surfing !!!!!


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We had no ballast , and didn't have the wedge on , kept the wave small for him so it wasn't intimidating , he was a surfing fool after he got it all figured out !!! Super proud of him !!! image.jpg
Perfect! now let him say "Dad, can we make the wave a little bigger?" Please resist added 4000lbs of ballast.
He is already wanting to go !!!! And is pumped for a bigger wave :) !!!!
I am thinking of having my daughter try that, is there any danger to falling and hitting your head on the swim platform? How about landing near the discharge of the jet pump?
It would be VERY hard to hit the boat....I reached out once to see if I could touch it when falling, and was JUST able to touch the boat with the tips of my fingers...and I was TRYING to get to it. As for the jet wash, you are typically outside the jet wash surfing the wave to the side of the boat. Could you cut in and fall in the jet wash...yes....but at 10-11mph, the jets aren't pumping 100% so I've never noticed any really issues.
@Michael Rasmussen I spend the summers getting first timers up and addicted to surfing. I have never had anyone hit the platform. Occasionally we see someone get tumbled by the jetwash but it is not serious. The thing that concerns me most is the board coming back up after falling. I always instruct surfers to cover their face with their arms. No one has ever been hit but I know we had a member on here who took a bad whack.