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New PerfectPass product??


LOL, this thread. I'm sure both systems are great. Also, all the arguments about .1 to .3 mph within target...c'mon! No system in the world could keep a boat at the same exact speed without small fluctuations. I had RS on my boat and it bounced between .1 to .3 if I remember correctly. If I were buying either of these systems today, it would be based on price.
Yeah I agree, kind of a stretch and like you said time will tell if there is anything superior in the software. R-S has been pretty stable system for me. But full disclosure I have also experienced this glitch "a glitch also with our RS unit which resulted in the boat's left engine running rough and basically going into a limp mode". For me it was the starboard engine and only happened one time in all the many hours I've used R-S but the only thing that resolved it was disconnecting the R-S APS and RPM harnesses completely, restart and stop the engine once and then reconnect R-S harnesses again. To be fair I can't 100% confirm R-S was the issue because there is also the "time taken to disconnect/reconnect the harness" as a possible contributing factor in the issue resolving, but R-S did seem to be at least suspect.

On occasion we have had reports of a check engine light. The problem is, we've never been able to confirm that Ridesteady was the cause, as by the time you go into the Connext SYS INFO screen, it shows everything as normal. And it's never easily reproducible, so it makes it difficult to troubleshoot.

We've never been able to reproduce the failure on our side either, despite nearly wearing out the starter and battery repeatedly starting the engines. If Ridesteady is the cause, it may be due to the big voltage fluctuation on start. All voltage regulators are control systems that take a very short (but finite) time to adjust to a change in input voltage. It may be that the voltage droops too low briefly, which causes the APS voltage to become too low long enough to trigger the check engine light. All speculation really because of the unverified / unreproducible nature of it. The remedy would be to stop that engine and restart. Limp mode should go away, and the check engine light should clear after a few engine start cycles.
No system in the world could keep a boat at the same exact speed without small fluctuations. I had RS on my boat and it bounced between .1 to .3 if I remember correctly.
You're right about that, though we've had comments that our system is default on the aggressive side to maintain the set speed (which can easily be "tuned down" by lowering the "Response" setting).

That said, the set speed will be the "center speed". So, if you wanted 10.2 MPH (+ or - the fluctuation), that would only be achievable with a system that allows 0.1 MPH set speed increments. I've been told that that can make a difference in the wave when surfing, FWIW.
I waited to chime in until JBP responded.
I have no skin in this game (thread) as I do not have RS or PP on our boat. But I would be concerned, as RS, that JBP having it for 16mos and "9 or 10 months of development" that PP pulled a page out of the China play book and copied the intellectual property for their own use/benefit. Shame...reconsidering my purchase of SeaDek in a couple of weeks. I feel slimy doing business with people who operate like that, and don't hold up to their end of the agreement. That is my $.02 or $$$.00 in SeaDek.
My sentiments exactly. I have purchased products from them but no more. His explanations sound like every salesperson that walks in to my door. Drama seems to follow him, now I know why.
Just confirmed that twin engines are sync'd with the new PP system. I am not at liberty to share how its accomplished but the PP engineers are telling us that the system will sync the engines within 0-3% accuracy. 0%-3% would be like 0-200 rpm if using an average of 6500 rpm.
You're right about that, though we've had comments that our system is default on the aggressive side to maintain the set speed (which can easily be "tuned down" by lowering the "Response" setting).

That said, the set speed will be the "center speed". So, if you wanted 10.2 MPH (+ or - the fluctuation), that would only be achievable with a system that allows 0.1 MPH set speed increments. I've been told that that can make a difference in the wave when surfing, FWIW.

I sold my boat shortly after installing the system, so never really got to dig in to the settings and stuff. I will say it worked great though. Soooo much better than trying to hold a speed with no gps control.
There are some other items that we'll delineate today or Monday on the site. The guys at RS are a great group and make a great product. We're not trying to throw off. But the facts are that PP has been in the game for 25 years. In that time I am sure they've learned a lesson or two that the RS guys have not. My contacts are telling me that there are technical advantages and I trust their analysis.

Time will tell. In the end, just like Coke and Pepsi there will still be RS and PP. There is room enough for competition. We're very familiar with that. We'll try to make the case why we have the superior product and they'll do the same. We won't down the RS guys, but we will try to state the facts as we see them.

As mentioned earlier by others in this thread, competition is a good thing. It forces manufacturers to innovate. This new product is a good thing. It gives people choices and keeps the makers on their toes. Believe me, we are well acquainted with staying on our toes. Innovate or die is commonly said around here and we live by that philosophy.

The fact remains that Ridesteady was your FIRST choice. After they didn't work out, only then did you go to PP. Essentially, PP was the second girl you asked to prom after the first one turned you down.
Just confirmed that twin engines are sync'd with the new PP system. I am not at liberty to share how its accomplished but the PP engineers are telling us that the system will sync the engines within 0-3% accuracy. 0%-3% would be like 0-200 rpm if using an average of 6500 rpm.

I wonder how it's possible to sync the engines without having any knowledge of what the the speed of the engines are. I think "sync" is being used very liberally here. If they employ engine sync, why is that not listed on their "features"?

Let me give you my educated guess. They send the same throttle signal to each engine, much like their existing mechanical system (which makes me wonder about the independence of the throttle binnacles / levers). At best, that's "constant throttle", not sync.
It just doesn't feel like honest marketing @JetBoatPilot to say "higher quality build, smoother pull, technically superior." How did you assess those claims if you were still waiting on the unit?


More food for thought...

It's really a shame to see how JBP has handled this. But after seeing the years of drama with Thrust Vectors vs. Cobra Fins, I can't say I'm surprised. It will definitely factor into future purchasing decisions.

I bought the Ride Steady mainly for engine sync capability and couldn't be happier. It's a great system.
Wow, definitely trying to stomp over the competition. Definitely doesn't seem fair from my perspective, especially after all that has transpired. Definitely don't feel like there's been any attempt to make "things right", considering that last post tagged 6 hours ago.
Wow, definitely trying to stomp over the competition. Definitely doesn't seem fair from my perspective, especially after all that has transpired. Definitely don't feel like there's been any attempt to make "things right", considering that last post tagged 6 hours ago.

Sorry that screenshot was slightly misleading as it was taken yesterday before Will posted his apology. Regardless, it was still after Monday when JBP supposedly decided to make things right. I really didn't want to get into this but couldn't stand to see Ridesteady's reputation denigrated.
We did not trash Ride Steady. We shared our opinion which we stand behind.

The timing stinks...I get it. We'll attempt to make it right. I hope we can. We made a mistake, we own that.

This is the last we'll post on this thread. Weve stated our case and apologized. It's time to move forward.
I started watching this thread from page 1 as I knew from the get-go the drama would ensue, but at this point I'm out. It's getting too nasty and I feel like Will @JetBoatPilot said his piece. I don't know him personally but I can only assume he's a super busy guy; running his own business, inventing/designing/patenting new products, making videos, answering questions on here daily and oh yeah lost EVERYTHING in a hurricane. So somewhere in ALL of that he made some promises he didn't keep and had other opportunities present themselves. He came out and apologized and offered to pay for the item he has in his possession. The end.

And finally @Ridesteady know when to quit. You could have come out of this looking like the victim with almost an entire forum wanting your product just to avenge "the wrong made against you". But the more you bad mouth PP and Jetboatpilot you are looking less and less like the victim and more like the agitator.
Who’s going to end up with the ‘stolen’ ride steady?

May I suggest a forum give away?
And finally @Ridesteady know when to quit. You could have come out of this looking like the victim with almost an entire forum wanting your product just to avenge "the wrong made against you". But the more you bad mouth PP and Jetboatpilot you are looking less and less like the victim and more like the agitator.
My apologies if it came across that way. Claims of superiority against our product / brand were made that I feel obligated to respond to. It's hard to let those go unanswered.
Well this thread became more than I intended, and yeah, this thread is pretty much run its course.
My take aways.
1. JBP screwed RideSteady
2. JBP apologized and has said he will try and make it right
3. RideSteady is the only system that is a known quantity and has been proven to be pretty sweet system
4. PP has been around for a long time but this new PP is basically vaporware to us currently, waiting to see some real use and reviews.
5. Competition is good for all of us so we'll see where this goes.
6. Knob interface rules (sorry couldn't help myself) :p

Honestly I'm not a fan boy of any product, I love a product and will promote it until another product beats it, then I'll promote that product. I like products that are reliable and make my life better. Competition pushes that along so we'll see what PP has and if its great stuff, R-S will have been served, they are more than capable of the challenge and I'm sure they will come back swinging.
I believe it's time to close this thread. Imho

I disagree. As this product hits the market and into consumer hands, I think it will be a great thread to reference and add to.
Well this thread became more than I intended, and yeah, this thread is pretty much run its course.
My take aways.
1. JBP screwed RideSteady
2. JBP apologized and has said he will try and make it right
3. RideSteady is the only system that is a known quantity and has been proven to be pretty sweet system
4. PP has been around for a long time but this new PP is basically vaporware to us currently, waiting to see some real use and reviews.
5. Competition is good for all of us so we'll see where this goes.
6. Knob interface rules (sorry couldn't help myself) :p

Honestly I'm not a fan boy of any product, I love a product and will promote it until another product beats it, then I'll promote that product. I like products that are reliable and make my life better. Competition pushes that along so we'll see what PP has and if its great stuff, R-S will have been served, they are more than capable of the challenge and I'm sure they will come back swinging.

Am I the only one who thinks the buttons sound appealing?! I had RS and liked the knob, but I also like buttons, especially for speed adjustments. The knob is probably better for navigating. Touch screen would be the ultimate.
I disagree. As this product hits the market and into consumer hands, I think it will be a great thread to reference and add to.
I would hope any one that gets the new pp and wants to review it would have the common sense to start their own thread with title of review of pp. This thread is so far in gutter it's shameful. Imho