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We finished the first hour of break-in on the dinghy motor last night. With less than 1/2 throttle the zodiac was on plane. BIG difference from the other one.

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Found some fresh picked blueberries,
Fantastic !#!


Even shared some with my friend


How far are you from the water if we take the boat? Although, Coumo might have shut the locks or something now.

20-30 mins from a ramp, depending on where we want to go. Lock 12 in Whitehall NY is closed until 8/10 for maintenance. No boats have entered the Lake thru the Champlain canal from the South or the Richelieu river from the North Montreal and Canada. Locals are enjoying having all of the best anchorages to themselves. There are plenty of out of state boats in the Marina's that were trailered here.

You will not see this on the member map...

About this far away (10mi) early this am. Summertime view with the forest in full canopy.

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Whelp, it was bound to happen some time. Sucked up my rope while wakeboarding yesterday. And of course I happen to be on vacation this week. Good think I have plenty of time to fix it! Very envious of those clean out ports now ?

thankfully we were able to putt back to the marina and get the boat out of the water. everything is all fixed now! Time to enjoy my vacation ?
Whelp, it was bound to happen some time. Sucked up my rope while wakeboarding yesterday. And of course I happen to be on vacation this week. Good think I have plenty of time to fix it! Very envious of those clean out ports now ?

thankfully we were able to putt back to the marina and get the boat out of the water. everything is all fixed now! Time to enjoy my vacation ?
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Any left? Sure looks delicious!

Not a speck left! First time "speeding up" some 3-2-1 ribs, and they were a unanimous success. The cook is always their own harshest critic, and I would have preferred the extra time, but it was great to hit on success when I was flying by the seat of my pants for time and temps, but utilizing the same method and recipe. A bit drier than the 6-hour cook, but still great. Done in about 4 and a half hours.

This was just taken while I was waiting for burgers to be doneIMG_20200801_204511260_HDR.jpg
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Earlier in the day, big party to raise funds for the honor flights. Far away pic might not be the best as far as easy viewing, but it was the best shot at getting the scope of the event


Trex decking is not being manufactured due to Covid and demand is higher than normal. I got the lower deck floorboards replaced with what was in stock at local stores. Cleaned them out. Months have gone by and can’t get specific sizes and color Trex decking delivered for the larger upper section. Every month is a month delay ??‍♂️. So we boat more.
(I also had to redo some of the sketchy deck frame from guy that originally built it 10 yrs ago, 2nd pic... it’s to code now)11608AFC-9ED6-450C-B470-6A0648D89BD5.jpeg62872567-49BA-4CB9-85EA-804ED7FAD7A3.jpeg84FB6905-401B-4A66-86C6-A834BECFAD5B.jpeg
@drewkaree inspired us? ribs and rainbows ?. Good day off the water. C89AEF99-B7C9-46A6-9320-A30FFD04AF9E.jpeg26EB4DFB-CB96-4943-A2BC-227B408D863E.jpeg
Just got back from my morning walk. Along the way I encountered this guy who started squaring off with me:

Thought I I was gonna have to blast him with a pipe-gun but then realized he was only 3" long and probably not radioactive. (Gotta stop playing Fallout right before bed.)
(Dude: I'm behind you now.)

Never saw one in our neighborhood before. There is a very small lake (large puddle) about a block away. He could have come from there I suppose.
I remember getting a dinner bill in Mexico for $1,400 and was about to raise a stink over it when the waiter told me it was in Mexican Pesos not U.S. Dollars (I think they use the $ just to screw with the tourists).
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Just one of those days:

One of the waverunner’s trailer tires blew on the way home, looks like the spindle is bent so had it towed home.

Also on the way home the zipper on the Bimini boot failed, so I bungeed the top to the tower. That didn’t work out well (the Bimini was in need of repair before the trip, now it needs to be replaced).



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